Sunday, November 5, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Bush & Blair: The Iraq Fantasy: Neither will admit that Iraq is a disaster. But while their state of denial may cost votes in Washington and London, on the frontline in the Middle East, it continues to cost lives.
Rough Justice: Prowling Baghdad with a sidearm and a defective bulletproof-vest.

87 Bodies Found In Occupied Baghdad: Police discovered the bodies of 87 torture victims around the city yesterday as Iraqi bloodshed escalated in the lead-in to the expected sentencing of Saddam Hussein.

At least 10 killed in another day of U.S. occupation: U.S. helicopters struck the town of Balad, killing two people and wounding five, including two policemen.

1999 war games foresaw problems in Iraq : The U.S. government conducted a series of secret war games in 1999 that anticipated an invasion of Iraq would require 400,000 troops, and even then chaos might ensue.

Neo Culpa: As Iraq slips further into chaos, the war's neoconservative boosters have turned sharply on the Bush administration, charging that their grand designs have been undermined by White House incompetence

Saddam Hussein sentenced to hang: Saddam's sentence will be automatically appealed and reviewed by a panel of appeal judges, who will decide whether or not to allow a retrial. If the judgement stands, however, Saddam must be executed within 30 days of the appeals panel delivering its verdict, the chief prosecutor has said.

Saddam urges Iraqis to not take revenge: Saddam Hussein urged Iraqis on Sunday to reject the sectarian violence ripping his country apart and to "not take revenge" on "invading" forces, his chief lawyer said after the ousted leader was sentenced to death.

Judgment: Statement of Saddam Hussein's Defense Lawyers : This is a trial which has a political purpose to convict President Saddam Hussein in order to keep pace with the occupying invader's policy to get use of such a decisions (of conviction) and to utilize it for electoral objectives as been illustrated by President Saddam Hussein in a letter he sent to the Court on the 22nd of October 2006

Baghdad Burning: When All Else Fails...… Execute the dictator. It's that simple. When American troops are being killed by the dozen, when the country you are occupying is threatening to break up into smaller countries, when you have militias and death squads roaming the streets and you've put a group of Mullahs in power- execute the dictator.

Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush : "This court is a creature of the US military occupation, and the Iraqi court is just a tool and rubber stamp of the invaders," insisted Dulaimi.

World differs on Saddam's sentence: Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the U.S., undermining President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

EU: Saddam should not hang: The European Union urged Iraq on Sunday not to carry out the death sentence passed on Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein after his conviction for crimes against humanity.

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