Monday, November 6, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

5 U.S. Occupation Forces Killed in Iraq: Two U.S. Marines and one soldier died on Saturday and Sunday from wounds sustained in combat in the western province of Anbar

Only 8% of Americans Support Iraq Strategy: Many adults in the United States believe their federal administration should alter its tactics in Iraq, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 61 per cent of respondents believe the U.S. should change its military strategy.

US 'breeding extremism' in Iraq: An Iraqi parliamentary delegation visiting Qatar has accused the US army in Iraq of breeding extremism by carrying out an "irresponsible arrest campaign".

Military services seek $160 billion extra to cover war costs : The military services and defense agencies have requested as much as $160 billion in supplemental spending for the remainder of fiscal 2007 -- a staggering figure that would bring wartime costs this year to $230 billion, defense sources said Friday.

4 Minute Video: Saddam reacts to death penalty.

Bush and Blair have forfeited the moral authority to hang Saddam: George Bush's handling of this issue restores one's respect for Pontius Pilate.

Blair opposed to Saddam death penalty : "We are against the death penalty, whether it's Saddam or anybody else. --How nice of Blair to oppose the death penalty for Saddam! Would have been more thoughtful of him to oppose the death penalty against the 2 million+ Iraqis that have died as a result of the sanctions and these criminal wars against the Iraqi people!

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