Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

9 Killed as Israel launches major attack on occupied Gaza: Some 60 people were wounded as troops, backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, carried out the raid.

Video Shows Unarmed Palestinian Shot By Israeli Occupation Forces: 2 Minute video

Pause for Peace : HERE in Gaza, few dream of peace. For now, most dare only to dream of a lack of war. It is for this reason that Hamas proposes a long-term truce during which the Israeli and Palestinian peoples can try to negotiate a lasting peace.

Zionists seek to silence critics of US policy toward Israel: Prominent Zionist groups and individuals in the US are conducting a campaign of intimidation against liberal and left-wing critics of the Israeli regime and Washington’s policy toward Israel.

Israel's New Arsenal: What bizarre science-fiction horrors have to occur before the American media wakes up to the strange war that Israel is prosecuting against Palestinian and Lebanese civilians?

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