Thursday, November 2, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Death toll rises to 13 as Israel presses occupied Gaza attack: Israel continued an attack into Gaza which has killed 12 Palestinians and a soldier in little over a day in one of its largest operations since militants seized a soldier in June.

Israeli killings resume in Gaza Strip: Israeli occupation forces are reported to have killed four Palestinians in northern Gaza, two of them civilians including a 75-year-old, in one of its biggest operations in the coastal strip in months.

An international force in Gaza is long overdue: The establishment of such a force has been requested several times by Palestinian leaders in order to protect civilians from various acts of violence carried out by the Israeli military.

U.S. trial: Israeli agent scoffs at Hamas defendant's torture claims: An Israeli security agent scoffed at a Chicago grocer's claim that he was deprived of sleep, forced to wear a foul-smelling hood and otherwise tortured after his arrest on charges of bankrolling terrorists.

Stranger than fiction?: Christians: Here to serve Israel: "We as Christians are living in a time in which we must wake up. We must organize ourselves and become a lobby for these people. That's why we are here," Ellssel added.

Israeli racism?: Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal: Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of.

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