Friday, November 3, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

The Power of the Israeli Lobby in the US : An interview with James Petras, author, " The Power of Israel in the United States". Click to listen

Israeli occupation forces kill, 23 Palestinians : Palestinian medics said on Friday that 23 people, including militants, women and children, were killed as the Israeli army ground military operation called "Cloud of Autumn " went on in northern Gaza Strip.

Israel occupation forces kill women at mosque siege: Two Palestinian women have been killed during a stand-off near a Gaza mosque while they were trying to rescue about 60 Palestinian men besieged inside.

Israel kills 25 Palestinian in 72 hours: In the West Bank, Israeli occupation troops also arrested a Palestinian cabinet minister in the internationally boycotted Hamas-led government, shot dead two Palestinian youths and wounded another two people

Israeli sniper shoots dead a 14-year old boy in Balata refugee camp: A teenage Palestinian boy was killed and his older brother injured during an attack by Israeli occupation forces into Balata refugee camp in the West Bank city of Nablus on Thursday evening.

4-year-old boy among 9 Palestinians killed in occupied Gaza: A 4-year-old boy and 40-year-old woman were among four Palestinian civilians killed Friday during an Israel Defense Forces operation in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun, Palestinian sources said.

Israel occupation forces kill 4 in Gaza missile attack: Four members of Hamas's armed section have been killed by an Israeli missile fired on their car as they were going to pray in the Gaza Strip.

Must listen Democracy Now! Report: Casualties Mount in New Israeli Attack on Gaza: The dead include a 70 year-old Palestinian man who was shot in the head by Israeli troops when he went onto the balcony of his home to take his disabled son inside.

Annan urges Israel to restraint, protect civilians: Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Friday urged Israel to do their utmost to protect civilians and to refrain from further escalating an already grave situation.

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