Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Israel occupation force kill another eight Palestinians: Withdraw from Gaza town: Israeli troops have left roads were gouged out. Homes, two mosques and a school were destroyed. The historic old town was pockmarked with bullet holes and shell craters, electricity pylons ripped from the ground and sewage spewing in the streets.

Ten Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday: Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that three Palestinians were killed on Tuesday evening, and one on resident died of earlier wounds. Earlier on Wednesday six Palestinians were killed in several Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip, at least twenty residents were injured.

Resident injured by settler fire in Hebron: Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, reported that one resident was shot and injured after a settler from the Keryat Arba' settlement, east of Hebron, opened fire at him when he was standing near the settlement fence.

Army abducts twenty-five West Bank Residents: The Israeli army invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus and the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem Tuesday at dawn, fired rounds of live ammunition and abducted twenty-two residents in the two areas.

Visa regime splits Palestinian families: A thousand West Bank Palestinians holding foreign passports have been expelled from their homes and thousands more face a similar fate after Israel tightened its visa regime, according to Palestinian campaigners.

Attorney General receives 40 torture complaints in past year, investigates none: Twenty-four hours before the abduction of Corporal Gilad Shalit, Israel Defense Forces soldiers broke into the home of Mustafa Abu Ma'amar in Rafah. Special forces soldiers arrested him and his brother in their respective homes.

Red Cross Descries Shooting of Medics: The International Red Cross Committee condemned Friday s shooting of two Palestinian Red Crescent Moon medics during an Israeli military operation against the Gaza strip.

Hundreds of Ethiopians protest in Jerusalem / Blood demo becomes anti-racism rally : Hundreds of Israelis of Ethiopian descent demonstrated yesterday in Jerusalem against what they said was blatant discrimination against their community by the state.

Something's rotten in Israel : Latest drop in global corruption index yet another warning sign.

After a six-day barrage, Israel leaves Gaza town to count dead: The Israeli army withdrew from Beit Hanoun yesterday at the end of a six-day search-and-destroy operation, leaving behind a ravaged Gaza town angrily counting the cost.

Study: 57 unarmed Palestinian minors killed by IDF since June: A third of unarmed Palestinians killed during IDF operations in the Gaza Strip since the abduction of Gilad Shalit have been minors, according to a new report prepared by Physicians for Human Rights, to be published Wednesday. Between June 27 and October 28, 247 Palestinians, including 155 civilians (63 percent) were killed by the IDF. Among the civilians killed, 57 were minors.

Beit Hanoun: Israelis pull out leaving trail of death: Hours after the Israeli military pulled out of the town of Beit Hanoun yesterday morning, Talal Nasr was at the cemetery to search for a spot to bury the body of his 13-year-old daughter.

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