Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Bloodbath in Gaza: Hamas Urges Attacks Against America: Hamas' exiled leader, Khaled Mashaal, says a 2005 truce with Israel is finished and appealed to all Palestinian factions to resume attacks: "There must be a roaring reaction so that we avenge all those victims." Israeli tank shells ripped through a residential neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip early Wednesday, killing at least 18 members of an extended family, including eight children as they slept

Survivors tell harrowing tales of Israeli barrage: Scorched fragments of clothes, a girl's slipper and body parts lay strewn in pools of blood in front of a row of houses that was riddled by what witnesses said was an Israeli artillery strike today while Palestinian residents slept.

Gaza media: It's Palestine's Qana massacre: "We pulled out bodies, all women and children, dismembered, without heads or hands," says Khaled Abu Saada, a Palestinian ambulance driver who evacuated the wounded to hospitals

International Red Cross 'appalled' by deaths in Gaza: The international Red Cross said it was "appalled" that 18 people — mostly women and children — had been killed during Israeli military operations Wednesday in the northern Gaza Strip.

Study: 57 unarmed Palestinian minors killed by IDF since June : A third of unarmed Palestinians killed during IDF operations in the Gaza Strip since the abduction of Gilad Shalit have been minors, according to a new report prepared by Physicians for Human Rights, to be published Wednesday.

Israel: Divorce America, Marry Russia: Although few Israelis realize it, Israel has strategic options that it didn't have 15 years ago. In many respects, Russia is a much more suitable partner for Israel than the US.

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