Sunday, November 26, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Three Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on occupied Gaza: Three Palestinians have been killed on Saturday in the Gaza Strip as Israel intensifies its military operation, raising the death toll of the week-long offensive here to at least 20 Palestinians.

Israeli troops leave Gaza as ceasefire takes hold:
Israel and Palestinian militants began a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, raising hopes for a meeting soon between Ehud Olmert, Israeli prime minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian president.

Exiled Hamas leader warns third uprising in 6 months:
Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal on Saturday warned of the collapse of the Palestinian authorities and a third intifada (uprising) in six months while blaming Israel for the delay on an Egypt-brokered prisoners' swap.

Israel: Assassination, but only after a hearing:
The cabinet issued an order to prepare a large-scale operation in Gaza, and also established a committee to discuss the execution of individuals. Tanks will rumble through the alleys, and airplanes will aim their missiles precisely at anyone whom the committee decides has lived long enough.

'When it comes to firing the gun, it's a massive shock. It's what you don't see in the movies.': >We followed young British Jews signing up for service in Gaza and the West Bank

S. African Jewish paper causes storm:
The South African Jewish Report, published weekly in Johannesburg, is engaged in a heated public spat with the country's Jewish minister of intelligence, over the newspaper's refusal to publish a letter by Kasrils that, the paper's editor says, compares Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories to those of the Nazis during WWII.

Israeli court rejects petitions to change route of Jerusalem Wall:> The petitioners argued that the route is illegal since its passes through private Palestinian property, but the judges said that they are convinced that the route is based on security considerations rather than political motivations, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported. According to the court decision, the army “has promised” to facilitate the entrance of the residents to their lands by operating agricultural gates.

Civilians in Israel, Palestine bear brunt of abuses, UN rights chief says:
"I left Gaza with a sense that the right of its people to physical integrity – their right to life – was particularly imperiled: Beit Hanoun is only one case in many," she said, referring to the incident in which 19 Palestinian civilians were killed by Israeli shelling earlier this month. "While in the West Bank I was struck by the severe impact that the Barrier and the system of checkpoints, road blocks, trenches and earth mounds was having on family life and economic life, indeed, on the quality of life: in short, on human dignity," she said.

Military probe ordered of 2003 shooting of American in Nablus: Four eye-witnesses said an IDF armored personnel carrier (APC) and a tank came into the street, and Avery and his companions raised their hands to show they were unarmed. The witnesses said the APC and the tank continued to approach Avery and when they were a few dozen meters away, the APC opened fire and shot about 30 bullets. Avery was hit in the face, his cheek was torn, and his eye-socket, mouth and jaw bones were smashed.

Travel ban on Palestinians in Israeli cars limited to Green Line: The ban on allowing Palestinians to ride in Israeli cars in the West Bank will mainly be enforced near the border with Israel, and not throughout the West Bank, a senior Israel Defense Forces officer told Haaretz.

Abbas, Olmert agree on ceasefire:
He said that Abbas also asked Olmert to stop military operations in the West Bank "in order to protect the atmosphere of ceasefire and calm in all the Palestinian territories."

Israeli settlers, or squatters?:
The public, in Israel and outside it, did not know previously that 38.8% of all settlement land is privately owned by Palestinians. Nor did we know that the proportion is actually slightly higher than this in the "settlement blocs" that the current Israeli government hopes to keep permanently as part of Israel. Settlements, the Israeli public presumed, stood on land owned by the state or by Jews.

IOF Wounds Child in Ramallah, Arrests 4 in Jerusalem:
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) wounded Sunday a child in the West Bank city of Ramallah and arrested five others in the occupied Jerusalem, witnesses said. Several students suffered from suffocation as Israeli soldiers fired gas canisters at them.

PLC not to give vote of confidence to gov't:
Deputy Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Hassan Khrisha said Sunday the parliament would cast no vote of confidence to any upcoming government if Hamas lawmakers and the speaker remained in Israeli prisons. "This is a moral stance, it is unreasonable the PLC give vote of confidence while 40 lawmakers are jailed," Khrisha told reporters.

Arms smuggling must stop:
The Shin Bet security service says the nature of the Palestinian Authority's new government will depend on who controls the PA security services. Hamas is demanding control of the Interior Ministry, which controls these services. But PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas wants to retain at least partial control over these services via a proposed reorganization - an idea that Hamas rejects.

Iraq's Palestinians in bull's-eye:
Community leaders say more than 60 Palestinians have been killed since early last year, and thousands have left the country. Many of the Palestinians who have stayed behind, mainly in Baghdad, have been chased from their homes and taken refuge in a largely Palestinian neighborhood here called Baladiyat.

Against backdrop of brittle cease-fire, EU to meet with Israel, Arab neighbors:

Against the backdrop of a brittle Gaza Strip cease-fire, the EU opens two days of talks with Israel and its Arab neighbors Monday to preserve what remains of the Middle East peace process and push ahead with broad economic assistance to boost chances for peace.

Olmert: I hope ceasefire reaches West Bank:
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said during a visit to the Bedouin town of Rahat Sunday, that, “I hope the ceasefire will take effect in the West Bank as well, although it currently does not apply there; however, the responsibility and good will may lead to the beginning of serious, open and direct negotiations between us and the Palestinians.”

Hamas orders investigation into violation of ceasefire: Voicing the government's discontent, spokesman Ghazi Hamad from the Hamas movement told reporters "an investigation would be open into this morning's rocket attacks."
Arab League welcomes Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire: In the statement, the AL also asked the UN Security Council and the international Quartet, which groups the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States, to dispatch an international observer force to the Palestinian territories to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire.

Israeli army says has withdrawn all troops from Gaza:
The Israeli army said on Sunday that it had withdrawn all of its troops from the Gaza Strip overnight before the truce took effect. A spokeswoman for the Israeli army said "there are no forces now in Gaza."

MobIS to develop application for Souktel in Palestine: '
With our new service, NGOs and communities can work together to arrange for food and medicine deliveries-right from their mobile phones. This helps the NGOs do their work more effectively, and it helps families get the support they need. We're thrilled to be working with MobIS on this'.

UN Aid Agency Bills Israeli Government For 28 Million Dollars:
"Ashdod is the only practical point of entry for these goods. There is no real alternative," said Burchard, who said the Israelis had failed to honour agreements granting UNRWA immunity from the charges. UNRWA had also been forced to finance the costs of replacing trucks damaged by Israeli bullets.

Honor the agreement you signed:
A little over a year ago, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Quartet envoy James Wolfensohn, Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz, the PA's Muhammad Dahlan and the EU reached an agreement to allow Palestinians free movement in and out of the Gaza Strip. The Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA) signed on November 15, 2005 promised Palestinians freedom of movement of people and goods.

Carter shares insight on peace in Mideast:
The United States vetoed the resolution that condemned that action. And I have to tell you that I have always considered myself a supporter of Israel -- but with the premise that Israel comply with international law and withdraw from occupying territories of the West Bank and Gaza. And what's degenerated in recent years, to a very disturbing degree, is the gross abuse of the Palestinians by the Israeli occupying powers. It's one of the most serious human-rights abuses about which I'm familiar.

Rockets, riots and rivalry:
In March 2005, Swan scored Israel's last-minute equaliser against the Republic of Ireland in a World Cup qualifier. But a week later, he played at Beitar's notorious Teddy stadium and the home fans unfurled a banner that said: 'Swan, you do not represent us.' After a game at Sakhnin, Beitar fans rioted and broke into the room where Swan was giving a TV interview. He escaped, but says that the police at the ground failed to intervene. Yet he recently considered becoming Beitar's first Arab player.

The Palestinian boss: But on the other hand, it has repeatedly seemed in recent months that an agreement on Shalit is near, yet nothing has happened. Moreover, Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman has canceled a planned trip to Israel this week - indicating that he has nothing new to report. Either way, Meshal looked pleased yesterday.

Peretz: no better, no worse. The only criticism Peretz deserves stems from the disappointment he caused: He did not bring something different as promised, but acted like his predecessors. But no one is complaining about that. His critics wanted him to be like the glorified defense ministers Shaul Mofaz, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Ehud Barak, and now want to replace him with one of them or someone similar to them. But the laugh of fate is that Peretz has conducted himself exactly like them.

Abdullah: Palestinian-Israeli conflict source of regional instability.
"But, for the majority of us living in this part of the world, it has always been the Israeli-Palestinian, Israeli-Arab problem. I fear that if we do not use the next couple of months to really be able to push the process forward, I don't believe that there will be anything to talk about."

Do they know it's Christmas?: Settlements are now springing up throughout the West Bank, built on hilltops - like forts, using up the scarce resource of water five times more quickly than the locals and accessed by roads which bypass existing villages. A form of apartheid exists on many roads with road blocks and checkpoints now so frequent that local produce is destroyed by the time it gets to market.

A prayer in paradise
: The kindergarten teacher is lying on a stretcher, covered with blood. The minibus is parked alongside. From somewhere to the left, the army cannon is firing shells. The children are lying on the ground next to one another. That is how one of the children described the morning when they were driving to their kindergarten in Beit Lahia and an Israel Defense Forces shell or missile - the army spokesman refuses to say - exploded several meters away and mortally wounded the teacher before their eyes.

Palestinian children forced to go the long way home
: Also this afternoon, a group of four schoolchildren encountered settler hostility while attempting to walk home by way of a path close to the Tel Rumeida settlement; the use of this path has been disputed by Tel Rumeida settlers, who often impose their will by violence against children attempting to use this pathway. The Israeli High Court has issued an order affirming the right of the Palestinian children to use this pathway

Meshal: Israel is to blame for lack of progress on Shalit deal

Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal said Saturday his group was willing to give peace negotiations six months to reach an agreement for a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank, but threatened a new uprising if talks fail.

Bethlehem director
screens Palestinian football film at Tehran International Film Festival: His film, "Second Half," follows the lives of the Salzian Orthodox School's 1989 football team during the height of the first Intifada. Abu Hamoud was on the team that year. He told PNN, “We show Israeli restrictions and aggressions against the Palestinian people during that period, and the damage directly inflicted on the players. Abu Hamoud continued, "Milad Anton Shahin was killed, while others were arrested.

Caterpillar homewrecker’s visit to London: Caterpillar hold the sole contract for the supply of military D9 bulldozers to the Israeli army. Caterpillar machines are used to destroy Palestinian homes in acts of collective punishment, build checkpoints and roadblocks to restrict civilian movement, build illegal Israeli colonies on Palestinian lands, destroy Palestinian olive trees and agricultural land, build the illegal annexation wall and murder civilians.

One killed two injured near Al Mintar ( Karen A) border crossing east of: Palestinian ambulances rushed to the area as soon as they gut the news, upon arrival they found one residents dead and another two injured, no names have been issued tell the time of this reported. Dr. Hasaneen said medics found a body of a young man killed in the fields, however, they could not identify him. They said he was wearing regular clothes usually used by farmers and workers.

Resident dies of wounds suffered three weeks ago, three injured in Jabalia, two in Beit Lahia:
Resident Ala' Al Omary, died of his wounds at an Israeli hospital on Friday evening. He was seriously injured three weeks ago when the Israeli army shelled an area in Beit Lahia town; four residents, including two medics, were killed in the attack.

Troops shell houses, target a vehicle in Jabalia refugee camp:
Eyewitnesses reported that two houses belonging to Ata Abu Jarad, and Sma'na family, were directly hit by Israeli shells, no injuries were reported. Rescue and civil defense teams rushed to the shelled houses in an attempt to put the fires off, and to evacuate any possible injuries.

PPS visits an injured detainee, suffering paralysis, in Hadassah Israeli hospital:
Ahmad stated that Rabee' was shot and injured by several rounds of live ammunition fired by the army, one of the bullets hit him in his spine causing paralysis. Rabee' was also injured in his large intestines, and one of the bullets hit him in his right lung, while another bullet him him in his leg.

Army invades Nablus, attacks local TV station and took prisoners four residents:
Eyewitnesses said that troops broke into several houses, searched and ransacked them and took prisoner four residents leeding them to an unknown location. Troops attacked several neighborhoods in Nablus, forced families out of their homes then interrogated them before searching and ransacking their houses.

Woman injured east of Al Qarara village north of Khan Younis:
Fawziyya Al Malaha, 40, was injured in her right leg by Israeli troops invading the village, and was moved to Nasser hospital in Khan Younis for treatment. Her injuries were described as moderate, medical sources reported.

Tunnel under Gaza-Egypt border collapses: The man who was pulled out of the debris was taken to a hospital, then left without being questioned by police, hospital and security officials said.

Italy, France call for European action in the Gaza Strip:
The two leaders said at a press conference on the sidelines of the one-day summit that the situation in the Palestinian-administered Gaza Strip was "dramatic." They said they were in favor of a "joint European initiative" to help stabilize the region.

Moussa welcomes Hamas chief's proposal to establish Palestinian state in six months:
Arab League (AL) chief Amr Moussa on Saturday welcomed proposal by exiled Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal to establish a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders in six months. "Meshaal's proposal is in line with the basics of the Arab peace initiative."

Palestinian Official: Fatah, Hamas leaders to resume talks soon:
Rezka admitted the two mainstream factions of Hamas and Fatah have controversy concerning the distribution of major portfolios of the upcoming coalition government. Other factions have criticized Hamas and Fatah for excluding them of the talks, but Rezka said an expanded meeting implying all factions would be held when Hamas and Fatah reach mutual agreement first.

PLO welcomes EU role to revive stalled Mideast peace process:
It was reported that the new initiative has five points, namely, an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians, an international mission in Gaza to monitor the truce, formation of an internationally-recognized Palestinian unity government, an exchange of prisoners and talks between leaders of the two conflicting sides.

Canadian church seeks action on tragedy of occupied Gaza: The Moderator of The United Church of Canada is asking the Canadian government to condemn unequivocally the killing of almost 500 Palestinian civilians since July 2006, and to seek an end to the ongoing siege of Gaza.

Christian public library opens in Gaza: Gaza Baptist Church has opened a new building, partially subsidised by Open Doors, to be used as the only Christian public library and to enable the Christian community to witness in that hostile environment. Christian and non-Christian books can be borrowed from the large collection on the first two floors of the building.

MP Qaraqa': Israeli government lives in a political vacuum as it tries to block European conference: Member of Parliament Issa Qaraqa' told the Women's Committee for Social Action that the Israeli government lives in a political vacuum and crisis. He cited Israeli official attempts to block an international conference initiated by the French, Spanish, and Italians.

What's he waiting for?: Something about Prime Minister Ehud Olmert changed after the war in Lebanon. The man who once threatened the Palestinians and the Lebanese with "painful retaliation" is now cautious about making blatant assertions that are liable to boomerang. The leader who presented a far-reaching program for determining the borders of the country, and decided within two hours to embark on a war in Lebanon, is now trying mainly to buy time.

US man allegedly spied for Israel, China:
Noshir Gowadia, a 62-year-old Indian-born former engineer with US defense giant Northrop Grumman, was indicted on 18-counts of federal charges and is suspected of trying to sell Israel "top secret" data about US weapons systems, according to the Washington Times . He could face the death penalty.

Report: Hezbollah replenishes half of missile stock with Iran's help:
Time Magazine has reported that Saudi and Israeli intelligence sources believe that with Iran's assistance, Hezbollah has succeeded in replenishing about half of its pre-war stockpiles of short-range missiles and small arms.

Cheney meets with Saudi king over Iran, Lebanon, Palestinians: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney held talks with King Abdullah on Saturday seeking Saudi Arabia's help on dealing with the spiraling violence in Iraq and a string of crises in the Mideast where American policy is on the line: Iran, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

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