Friday, November 10, 2006


Olmert calls on Palestinian president to return to negotiating table; ‘I’m willing to sit down with him with no predetermined conditions,’ he says.

Ronny Sofer Published: 11.09.06, 17:21

“Abbas is exposed to Hamas’ pressures, and I am willing to sit down with him with no predetermined conditions,” the prime minister said. “He would be surprised to see how far I’m willing to go in the talks.”

I have great respect for Abu Mazen (Abbas). When we will sit around the negotiation table he will be very intransigent," Olmert said in a televised interview aired to people attending the conference.

"He is a Palestinian patriot, not Israeli. He will fight for Palestinian interests like a lion. But he is a decent man, he opposes terror. He is under pressure from terror groups and has no power to oppose them and overpower them. I sent him the message 20 times."

The prime minister warned that he is ready to release many prisoners as a gesture to Abbas, but not to Hamas, in return for the release of Gilad Shalit.


Ariel Sharon described him as a "baby chick." Now Olmert describes him as a "lion!" Wow, what a transformation! In reality, he is still the same spineless Usraeli puppet.

So, this is the "lion" Hamas wants to form a "unity" government with? Are we to believe that this is a marriage made in heaven? To me it is more like a marriage between Fidel Castro and Madonna. Enjoy!

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