Wednesday, November 15, 2006

PA presidential guards receive more munitions under IOF protection

"Ramallah - A truck loaded with weapons has crossed the Atara checkpoint in Ramallah city, heading to the PA presidential guard's headquarters in the city under full IOF troops' protection, local Palestinian sources revealed.

The truckload of weapons came at time a positive atmosphere was prevailing in the Palestinian arena among the Palestinian factions that are striving hard to form a national coalition government; thus, stirring a lot of speculations on the real goals of shipping those weapons at this particular time.

Palestinian security sources revealed in a statement to the PIC that the shipment was meant to strengthen loyalists to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas in confronting "rival" Palestinian resistance factions, especially Hamas.

Yuval Diskin, the head of Israel's domestic intelligence apparatus (Shabak), urged his government Tuesday to support Fatah Movement against what he labeled as "extremists" in allusion to Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions.

Weeks ago, the Reuters news agency reported that American officials were encouraging the Hebrew state to allow more weapons and munitions to Abbas' loyalists from Jordan and Egypt.

In Jericho, the USA was constructing a military camp and sent a number of its military officers to train Abbas' loyalists and members of the PA presidential guards.

Israel had earlier approved supplying the PA PG with 1,000 M-16 rifles in a bid to bolster the "moderate leader" in allusion to Abbas against Hamas in the hope to ignite a civil war in the Palestinian arena.

Four hundred of those rifles reached PA PG headquarters in Ramallah, and 550 other rifles settled in the PA PG headquarters in Gaza Strip, which is considered a Hamas stronghold.

The Israeli occupation government, which is soaked in security and corruption scandals, is eager to ignite a Palestinian civil war; but it seems it failed in achieving its purpose so far.

"I approved the shipment because we are running out of time, and we need [PA chief] Mahmoud Abbas' help in the PA at this point of time", Israel's premier Ehud Olmert said in justifying his approval to the shipment."

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