Saturday, November 18, 2006

Palestinians inspect the rubble of a house after it was demolished by Israeli army bulldozers during a raid in the West Bank town of Qalqilya November 18, 2006.(REUTERS)

Palestinian women inspect the damage caused by an overnight Israeli missile strike at the building housing Al Islah, a Hamas charity organization, in Gaza City Saturday Nov. 18, 2006. The air strikes demolished the targets and damaged several neighboring buildings, Palestinian security officials said.(AP Photo)

A Palestinian boy searches the rubble of a house demolished by Israeli troops during an incursion into the northern West Bank town of Qalqiliya. Two Palestinians were killed. (AFP)

Palestinians inspect the damaged library of Al-Salah mosque in Gaza city following Israeli shelling overnight on Gaza City. Two Palestinians were killed as Israel continued air and ground operations in the Gaza Strip, a day after the UN General Assembly urged an end to the violence.(AFP)
Books Are Dangerous!

(Photo by Reuters)
A U.S. Helicopter, Flown By Israelis, Delivering Presents To Palestinian Children In Gaza.
But Why Do They Hate Us?

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