Monday, November 6, 2006

Sandinista leader Ortega appears near victory

Poll: Ex-guerrilla topping 35 percent needed to avoid Nicaragua runoff

"MANAGUA, Nicaragua - Daniel Ortega appeared headed back to the presidency 16 years after a U.S.-backed rebellion helped oust the former Marxist revolutionary, as partial results and the country’s top electoral watchdog indicated he had easily defeated four opponents.

The Sandinista leader’s victory in Sunday’s election, if confirmed by final results, would expand the club of leftist Latin American rulers led by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who has tried to help his Nicaraguan ally by shipping cheap oil to the energy-starved nation.

The race has generated intense international interest, including a visit by Oliver North, the former White House aide at the heart of the Iran-Contra controversy.

A statistical survey of official results, carried out by the Nicaraguan Civic Group for Ethics and Transparency, gave Ortega 38.5 percent to 29.5 percent for the wealthy banker Eduardo Montealegre. "



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