Thursday, November 2, 2006

That is happening in the north of Gaza , while the world is silent; break the silence and speak for the speechless

From Dr. Mona Elfarra in Gaza

"Gaza 5pm
during its large scale military operation against Gaza , the Israeli occupyiong army continued its attack on Beit Hanoun village in the north of the Gaza strip ,12 people were killed at least 75 were injured many seriuosly injured , at AlAwda hospital,the casualities that were received at the emergency room , were all seriously injured , (gunshots in the chest , abdomen and head ), movement of the ambulances in and outside the village is greatly restricted ,some patients who are inneed for renal dialysis cannot leave their homes for treatment, so other patients inneed for all sorts of treatment , the only hospital inside the village is surrounded by tens of army tanks and military vehicles ,the continous shelling and shooting made people unable to leave their homes , any moving body would be shot at once , all the men over 16 wee asked to gather inside one of the village schools l,while writing this peice the local radio station announced the death of one of the women who were trying to stop the army acts against her family .
as medical teams we are working under great pressure , the sitution have been very bad and it is detriorting day after another ,sanctions , long periods of bores closure , military assualts , we were hoping that the negotiations for the release of the captured soldier will bring some hope for improvement of the situation , but it seems that israel is going ahead with its preplaned agenda against Gaza and Palestinian people
I call upon you to spread the word and to try to shake the silent world

Press Release: 2 November 2006


Yesterday the Israeli Occupation Forces began the grotesquely named “Operation Autumn of Fury” on the Gaza Strip. Beit Hanoun, scene of the continuing massacre by Israel since June 25th, was re-occupied by Israeli tanks. Since yesterday 12 civilians have been shot dead and more than 65 woemn and children have been injured. On the first dayof Eid Ul Fiter, last week, 7 residents of the town were also killed by the IOF.

The town of Beit Hanoun was bombed by Apache helicopters and F16 and V58 fighter planes. All of Beit Hanoun’s residents have no water or electricity today. These air-strikes which damage essential infrastructure and terrify the civilian population are a form of collective punishment against the Palestinian people and are war crimes which are forbidden under international humanitarian law, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prescribes the manner in which armies must treat civilians during times of conflict.

We, therefore, call on the international community to exert pressure on the Israeli Occupation Forces to conduct itself within the boundaries of international humanitarian law and ensure the protection of all Palestinian civilians.

We also demand the immediate halt of the Israeli Occupation Forces’ attacks on the Gaza Strip and an end to the closure and isolation of the Strip, both ofwhich are exacerbating an already desperate humanitarian situation inside the Strip."

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