Saturday, November 4, 2006

When Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot to Kill Unarmed Palestinian Women, It's Time for a worldwide Gaza Campaign

Gush Shalom, November 4, 2006

Urgent appeal to make the month-long campaign a worldwide one

"Yesterday, two Palestinian women, taking part in a non-violent human shield action in Beit Hanoun were shot dead and numerous others wounded. They tried - and partly succeeded - to save the fighters who had sought refuge inside a mosque. The women spontaneously formed a human wall when it became clear that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) intended to destroy the mosque with the men in it. Since we told you of our preparations for tomorrow Nov. 4 "putting Gaza on the agenda of the Rabin Memorial Rally" things only got worse. It is extremely important that our campaign will be taken up also abroad. Hereafter you find some background and the request to help make December 2 the campaign pique - with suggestions how you can relate to it from wherever you are."

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