Friday, November 17, 2006

Zahhar: Iran contributed 120 million US Dollars and promised more


"Tehran – Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahhar, the PA Foreign Minister, told reporters in Tehran on Thursday that the Iranian government have already contributed 120 million US Dollars to the Palestinian government and promised more aid.

Dr. Zahhar was speaking to reporters after meetings with Iranian officials he held in Tehran.

The Iranian government announced last April that it will provide 50 million US Dollars in aid to the Palestinian government to compensate for the loss of funds as a result of the siege imposed by the US and Western governments.

Dr. Zahhar also told reporters the intended national unity government will not recognize Israel.

He added that the letter of assignment to the new proposed prime minister will be the same as the one Ismail Haneyya received, but the National Harmony Document will form part of the letter of assignment and there is no requirement in the document to recognize Israel or relinquish rights.

He also stressed that one condition of forming this government is having guarantees that the siege will be lifted.

The quartet committee requires that Hamas recognizes Israel, gives up resistance and respects all signed agreements between the PA and Israel. "


Why do you have to disclose such information? To show off? To give Iran credit?
You will never hear Nasrallah speak like this; but then we are talking about REAL LEADERS.

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