Tuesday, December 26, 2006

50% of Palestinians support Hamas despite siege

"Occupied Jerusalem – A poll conducted by the Arabic daily Al-Quds revealed that Hamas still enjoys widespread support amongst the Palestinian population despite the siege imposed by the USA and Israel.

People were asked how they would vote in the event of early presidential and legislative elections to which 49.98% of those polled said that they would vote for Hamas while only 29.98% said they would vote for Fatah.

The poll also revealed that 4.56% would vote for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 5.2% for the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), 1.26% for the People's Party and 9.44% for others.

The fact that this poll comes 9 months into a harsh economic siege imposed on Palestinians by the USA and Israel to punish them for their democratic choice shows that the aims of the siege were not realized and people still support Hamas and do not blame it for the siege and the resulting harsh economic situation."

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