Friday, December 8, 2006

Conspiracies Behind Haim Saban’s Closed Doors

A Very Good Piece
By Kurt Nimmo

"As if to finally dispel the myth there is a difference between Israel First neocons and Democrats, consider the upcoming “closed session” at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, a “think tank” bankrolled by Israeli-American millionaire Haim Saban.

“Among the many officials attending are Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni; David Welch, the current top U.S. envoy to the region; Shimon Peres, Israel’s deputy prime minister; Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and her husband, former President Bill Clinton; Amos Yadlin, director of Israel’s military intelligence; Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s minister of strategic planning; and many other Bush administration officials and U.S. and Israeli lawmakers,” reports the Jewish Telegraph Agency.

Interesting a hopeful presidential candidate, and her former president husband, will be rubbing elbows with the likes of Avigdor Lieberman, who “advocates Transfer, the expulsion of the Arab citizens from Israel,” according Uri Avnery, Israeli journalist, peace activist, and Knesset member. “He threatened to destroy Egypt by blowing up the Aswan Dam. He demanded the execution of the Israeli Arab Knesset members for meeting with Syrian and Hamas leaders.” But this is nothing new, Avnery shrugs, because “Rehavam Ze’evi, whose memory was honored … by a special commemoration session of the Knesset, proposed ethnic cleansing, and General Effi Eytam, the chief of the National Union party, uses similar language.” In other words, ethnic cleansing is business as normal in Israel.

Imagine Bill and Hill embracing a Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and attending a “Klonvocation,” a gathering of racists. In essence, this is what they will be doing when they go behind Saban’s closed doors with Lieberman and crew.

Haim Saban has been a very good friend, supporter and adviser to me,” effused Bill Clinton in 2004. “I am grateful for his commitment to Israel, to a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and to my foundation’s work, particularly on reconciliation issues.”

Lasting peace, naturally, translates into more dead Palestinians, more Palestinian refugees, more malnourished Palestinians, more targeted assassinations, more demolished homes and flattened olive groves.

As for Saban and his Brookings center, the roundly excoriated John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt write: “For many years, [the Brookings Institution] senior expert on the Middle East was William Quandt, a former NSC official with a well-deserved reputation for even-handedness. Today, Brookings’s coverage is conducted through the Saban Center for Middle East Studies, which is financed by Haim Saban, an Israeli-American businessman and ardent Zionist. The center’s director is the ubiquitous Martin Indyk. What was once a non-partisan policy institute is now part of the pro-Israel chorus,” a glee club that includes no shortage of Democrats, even though the more reactionary among the Jabotinskyites are suspicious of Democrats, prompting Democrats to bend over backwards, flip somersaults, and engage in all manner of political tumbling routines in order to please the ethnic cleansers.

It does not take a lot of imagination to envision what will be talked about behind Saban’s closed doors. “To me he will always be a dear personal friend,” waxed Ariel Sharon before he slipped into a coma. “Haim Saban is a great American citizen and a man who always stood by Israel and the Jewish people in times of need. His contribution to strengthening ties between Israel and American political leaders from all parties has been quite remarkable and outstanding.'’

At the Saban Center tomorrow, “dignitaries will discuss a plethora of issues, including the situation in Lebanon and the threat of Hizbullah overthrowing the sitting government, Hamas’ control of the Palestinian Authority and the continued Qassam attacks on Israel despite the ceasefire, the rising challenge of the Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah alliance, options for dealing with the threat from Iran, energy independence, democracies and the media in wartime and how Israel should deal with its neighbors,” reports Yedioth Internet.

In short, “dignitaries,” mostly war criminals, will discuss war and how to wage it.

Of course, such topics are of particular importance, as Democrats will soon assume control of Congress. Strategy must be worked out in advance. It is a sure bet this strategy will not differ significantly from the strategy of the neocons. In fact, with Avigdor Lieberman in attendance, throwing his weight around as the Minister of Strategic Affairs and as a Deputy Prime Minister of Israel, we may even expect things to get worse, possibly far worse....

“When there is a terrorist attack, I am Lieberman. Sometimes to the right of Lieberman,” Saban told Haaretz.

No word if Mr. Saban will consent to beat up kids. On the other hand, he apparently sleeps well at night, knowing Palestinian school children are shot at point-blank range.

Look, I don’t see a solution today. People are saying hudna [truce]. I don’t know what kind of hudna. Or tahadiya [cease-fire], shmahadiya. A cease-fire within a tahadiya within a hudna. Leave it, it’s all stuff and nonsense. And the facts on the ground are the facts on the ground. When your enemy believes in a faith that is rooted in religion, it runs very deep. In this situation I don’t know how to mediate between one nation and the other.”

Never mind Saban’s enemy, presumably Hamas, was financed and encouraged by the Israeli government, so as to undermine Palestinian nationalism.

As for the “facts on the ground,” these are relatively easy to ascertain—more than one fifth of Palestinian children under five are suffering from malnutrition, unemployment stands at 70%, and more than two thirds of the population lives below the poverty line on less than $2 a day.

I’d violate the tahadiya, too, if my baby sister was shot in the head on the way to school or beaten to death by rabid settlers of the sort praised by Avigdor Lieberman and Israel Beytenu.

Obviously, Bill Clinton and his wife, possibly the next president of the United States, support the cold-blooded murder of Palestinian children, dumped on the side of the road. But then Clinton, with all the passion of Adolf Eichmann, oversaw the murder of more than a million Iraqis, 500,000 of them children.

If elected, his wife will carry on the tradition, as Avigdor Lieberman and the Israelis demand, and have demanded now for some time, and the United States may very well attack Iran, the next target on the list. No doubt this will be discussed over the coming weekend behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will likely be fleeced and bamboozled once again, tricked into going to “war” against the enemies of Saban, Lieberman, and the comatose Sharon."

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