Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Democrat Senator Calls for 30,000 More Troops to be Sent into the Iraqi Meat Grinder

By Kurt Nimmo

"As the so-called Iraq Study Group “recommendations” hit the street, dubiously entitled “The Way Forward: A New Approach,” Texan Democrat, soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, has called for sending more “dumb, stupid animals,” as Henry Kissinger once fondly called our soldiers, into the Iraqi meat grinder.

Reyes “wants to see an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops,” according to Newsweek. “We have to consider the need for additional troops to be in Iraq, to take out the militias and stabilize Iraq … We certainly can’t leave Iraq and run the risk that it becomes [like] Afghanistan,” apparently a reference to the presence of “al-Qaeda” and the Taliban, both created by the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI.................

.....In the months ahead, we should expect the Democrats to follow the script, as authored by the neocons and the Israelis, albeit with possible management style tweaking. More troops will be sent to Iraq and vague assurances of “withdrawal,” probably with “honor,” as Nixon claimed during a previous war.

In fact, Nixon is the template here, as he promised peace with honor in 1968, although he never offered to end the war in Vietnam, prompting Democrat nominee Hubert H. Humphrey to allege that he must have had some “secret plan.” It took seven agonizing years from Nixon’s promise to Operation Frequent Wind, when evacuees scrambled to Air America (CIA) helicopters for a mad dash out of the country. "

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