Thursday, December 21, 2006

Duwaik rejects Abbas' call for early elections as "illegal"

"Ramallah - Dr. Aziz Duwaik, the speaker of the PLC, has refused PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' unilateral call for early legislative elections, describing the call as "illegal" and a "shame".

Duwaik told reporters on Wednesday while attending a hearing into his case in the Israeli Ofer military court that it was a shame for Abbas to talk about early elections while he, the speaker of the parliament, and tens of his colleagues were still detained in Israeli jails.

Duwaik, who was kidnapped along with tens of deputies in an Israeli campaign of arrests in lines of Hamas MPs and officials last summer, urged the Palestinian people to cement ranks and to rally behind the national harmony document.

The Israeli court adjourned the hearing to 21st January as lawyers of Duwaik and his colleagues hoped that they would be released soon after describing the charges leveled against them as political in nature. "

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