Sunday, December 17, 2006

General Reveals Residual Neocon-Likudnik Haunting at Pentagon

By Kurt Nimmo

"For the neocons, it was not enough last month when Bush compared Iran to al-Qaeda. Forget the rhetoric, say the neocons. Bomb Iran, now. Of course, this is nothing new, as the Israel First neocons, at the behest of Likud-Kadima, the nationalist-religious parties, and the fanatical settler wing of the Israeli government, have called for mass murdering untold numbers in Iran for some time now.

However, with each passing day, the calls get more strident, more shrill, more desperate, especially with Israel’s humiliating defeat at the hands of Hezbollah last summer. Hezbollah over the border in Lebanon and a tarnished invincibility image, however, take a backseat to the cardinal fear of the Israelis—international pressure may force them to seriously negotiate with the Palestinians and, dread to imagine, work toward creating a Palestinian state.......

.....Air Force Brig. Gen. Mark O. Schissler is not retired, so he has yet to experience one of JINSA’s (the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) infamous and stepfordizing Israel walking tours, but he is completely onboard with the now patented “clash of civilizations” palaver, an ideological stance well-ensconced in the Pentagon.

The American people need to prepare for a long-duration war against radical Muslims who are set to fight for 50 to 100 years to create an Islamist state in the region,” writes Bill Gertz, seasoned Iraq invasion propaganda disseminator, for the Moonie Times, otherwise known as the Washington Times. Schissler is deputy director for the “war on terrorism” within the strategic plans office of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. “I don’t care about the politics. I care about people understanding the facts of what’s our enemy is thinking about, what’s our strategy to defeat them, and for [Americans] to understand that it will take a long fight, mostly because our enemy is committed to the long fight…. One of my concerns is how to maintain the American will, the public will over that duration,” that is to say 50, 100, 200 years, however long it takes to reduce the Middle East to a smoldering backwater.

Our enemy,” naturally, just so happens to be Israel’s, as well. And although the frontline neocons—Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and Richard Perle—are no longer at the Pentagon, their “Grand Strategy for the Middle East” (called the “Bush-Sharon Grand Strategy” in 2003 by Patrick Buchanan) lives on at the highest reaches of the Pentagon, as the remarks of Schissler reveal."

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