Friday, December 15, 2006

Hamas accuses Dahlan of being behind attack on PM's motorcade

"Gaza – Hamas has accused Muhammd Dahlan, former preventive security chief, of being behind the attack on the Prime Minister's attack which took place Thursday evening on the Prime Minister's return to Gaza from the successful tour of Arab and Islamic countries.

Hamas also accused Dahlan of leading the trend of rebellion [against the Hamas government] in Fatah.

Hamas said in the statement, which was read by Ismail Radwan, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Friday afternoon, that Muhammad Dahlan was directly responsible for the attempted assassination of the Prime Minister and accused the presidential guards of carrying out the assassination attempt.

Hamas asked President Mahmoud Abbas, in the statement, to lift the cover off "the criminals" stressing that the President should withdraw the Presidential guards from the street as they are not capable of keeping the peace.

Mushir al-Masri, secretary of the Hamas parliamentary block, said that the attack was planned and was an implementation of Dahlan's threats. He added that Hamas parliamentarians will do all in their power to waive Dahlan's parliamentary immunity and get him tried in a court of law for all his crimes."

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