Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hamas: PA security apparatuses want to replicate Algeria's bloody experience

"Ramallah - Hamas Movement has affirmed that the PA presidential guard apparatus along with other security apparatuses working under the command of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas have played an extremely bad role in the bloody incidents in Ramallah city.

PA security forces loyal to Abbas harshly quelled a peaceful rally organized by Hamas supporters in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Friday in celebration of the Movement's 19th anniversary, leading to tens of injuries (some critical) among the unarmed Hamas cadres and supporters.

A responsible source in Hamas affirmed later on Friday, "Abbas' forces started shooting at the peaceful demonstrators, and assaulted them with batons." He charged that coup-mongers within Fatah faction attempted to replicate the Algerian bloody experience in occupied Palestine after failure of their attempts to topple the Hamas-led PA government.

Furthermore, the source unveiled that Abbas' forces installed roadblocks in Ramallah's street where the march was supposed to pass in a bid to disturb and prevent it from going ahead.

"TV cameras that clearly showed Abbas' forces shooting live bullets at Palestinian citizens and wounding a number of them have indeed refuted fabrications made by certain Fatah officials that attempted to mislead the Palestinian people into believing that the clashes were between Fatah and Hamas supporters, and that Abbas' forces intervened to break them up", the source underlined.

Tens of Hamas' supporters were wounded with bullets of Abbas' forces; injuries of a number of the victims were described as "serious" with media reports saying that a 13-year-boy had died of his wounds.

PA presidential guards dubbed as "Force 17" along with elements of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, armed wing of Fatah, have warned Thursday that they will forcibly block any attempt by Hamas' followers to hold the rally.

But leaders of Hamas in the West Bank were prudent enough to prevent more Palestinian sacred blood to spill with Palestinian bullets as they affirmed that the Movement, despite the conspiracies against it, "will remain the safety valve of the Palestinian national unity, and the thorn in the throats of Israel and its local agents".

In 1994, Fatah-controlled PA security apparatuses killed 14 Palestinian citizens and wounded scores others while going out of Palestine mosque in Gaza city.

Real role of "Force 17":

For his part, representative of Hamas in the Islamic and nationalist forces follow up committee Khalil Nofal affirmed that the unfortunate incidents in Ramallah had indeed unmasked the real role of the PA presidential guard (Force 17) in the PA-run land after USA trained and armed them.

"It became clear for the Palestinian people that the role of that force wasn’t to protect them, but rather to implement the American agenda in Palestine, and to confront and sideline Hamas in the Palestinian arena", Nofal charged.

"The injury of around 40 Hamas supporters (some were hit in the head and the neck) with bullets of that force displays the kind of vicious brainwashing of those forces against Hamas and its cadres", he furthermore asserted.

He also scorned fabrications made by Fatah leaders that the assassination attempt against PA premier Ismail Haneyya that killed one of his bodyguards, and wounded his son and his political consultant was the result of Hamas cadres firing against each other, describing such claims as "a falsification to clear the (Fatah) faction of responsibility, in addition to being an obvious undermining of the minds of the Palestinian people". "

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