Thursday, December 14, 2006

Haniyeh’s bodyguard killed, son wounded in shooting attack

Palestinian PM’s bodyguard killed, his son, another bodyguard and political advisor wounded when gunmen open fire at their convoy as it leaves Rafah crossing; PA official: Abbas; presidential guard responsible

Associated Press Published: 12.15.06, 00:04

"Hamas gunmen seized control of the Gaza Strip's border crossing with Egypt on Thursday in a ferocious gunbattle with Fatah-allied border guards after Israel blocked the Hamas prime minister from crossing with tens of millions of dollars in aid.

More than two dozen people, including the premier's son, Abed, 27, were wounded in the fighting, deepening factional violence that has pushed the rivals closer to civil war.

Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh cut short a trip abroad and was trying to return to Gaza in a bid to quell the infighting between Hamas and Fatah. He finally was allowed to cross into Gaza late Thursday, but he was unable to bring money for the cash-strapped Palestinian government.

Maria Telleria, spokeswoman for European monitors at the crossing, said Haniyeh left the funds, estimated at USD 35 million, in Egypt.

Haniyeh's convoy came under fire as it crossed, and it was forced to speed away. Officials said Haniyeh was unharmed.

Government official Taher Nunu, an adviser to the Palestinian foreign minister, said Haniyeh's son Abed was wounded in the exchange. Another official said none of the wounded, including the son, were badly hurt."

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