Monday, December 25, 2006


Anyone who looks at the Israeli press can easily spot planted, fabricated stories intended to serve Israeli and neocon objectives. One of these objectives is to portray Hamas as a common enemy of Israel and the U.S. This has been part of the successful neocon/Israeli effort since 9/11 to portray Israel's enemies as enemies of the U.S. and to employ U.S. blood to fight Israel's wars. The sequel started with Iraq but will not end there. Israel and its neocon allies want to move on against Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Hamas.

This story on the Ynet web site (of the Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronoth) claimed "Members of Hamas are debating whether to carry out attacks against the United States and may hit American targets if the US continues to support Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' call for new elections, Hamas leaders told WND in a series of interviews." It went on:

"Abu Abdullah told WND Hamas has not yet decided to attack the US, "but one cannot guarantee that this will be the situation if the conspiracy of chasing our government succeeds."

Asked which US targets Hamas would hit, Abu Abdullah replied, "Do you think that I can give you an answer to this question? I can say that the Middle East is full of American targets and the world has had the occasion to learn what are the weapons of the anti-American forces in the region." "

And it added this:

"While the latest Hamas threats warned of attacks against American interests in the region, some terrorism experts and senior security officials previously told WND Hamas has cells inside the US that are technically capable of attacking within the country.

"We have information Hamas agents have been on US soil the past few years and that the group may currently have up to 100 agents operating inside America," an FBI counterterrorism agent in New York told WND last October."

This is pure nonsense and phony as a three-dollar bill. Anyone familiar with Hamas' policies recognizes this as a bold-faced lie. Hamas has never interferred in the affairs of any Arab regimes, even those hostile to it, let alone attack the U.S.

Hamas today denied this fabricated story.

Here is the statement from Hamas:

"Gaza - Spokesmen for Hamas Movement and its armed wing the Qassam Brigades on Monday denied allegations published by a Hebrew daily that the Movement was planning to attack American targets.

Fawzi Barhum, the Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said that the report by Yedioth Ahronoth, quoting an American paper, was completely untrue.

"Our battle is with the Zionist occupiers only and we will not target any country," he emphasized, warning that publishing such "wrong information" was aimed at finding justifications to attack Hamas and its leaders.

For his part, Abu Obaida, the Hamas armed wing's spokesman, denied the report, affirming that it was quoting an illusionary Qassam spokesman.

He underlined that none was allowed to speak on behalf of the armed wing except the official spokesman.

"Hamas limits its battle to resisting occupation inside Palestine and its armed wing has no military activity outside Palestine, we have not considered the matter and do not have the intention to do so," he concluded."

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