Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

'Goodbye' weapon okayed for Iraq use: Air Force insists crowd control device doesn't cause eye damage or cancer.

Snow battles press over Iraq Study Group report:
'I'm not trying to be snide': White House spokesman Tony Snow battled the press during this afternoon's briefing over the significance of the bipartisan independent Iraq Study Group.

Full Text: Iraq Study Group Report: [PDF] "We do not recommend a stay-the-course solution; in our opinion, that approach is no longer viable." James A. Baker III, co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group.

The Democratic co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group said on Wednesday that America's ability to resolve the crisis in Iraq is narrowing and the costs could rise to more than $1 trillion.

'This is unfair' say Iraqis on US panel threat: A call for President George W. Bush to reduce US support to Iraq if Baghdad fails to improve security drew a sour response from Iraqi politicians, who said Washington had an obligation to back their government.

GORE: IRAQ WAR WORST MISTAKE IN HISTORY OF USA: ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: Calling the Iraq war "the worst strategic mistake in the entire history of the United States" and "worse than a civil war," former Vice President Gore urged President Bush to find a way to get U.S. troops out of Iraq "as quickly as possible without making the situation worse" while appearing this morning on NBC's "Today."

Why the Baker Report Leaves Iraqis Cold :Nobody living in this country needs a high-powered bipartisan Washington committee to tell them that (a) the situation is "grave and dangerous"; (b) there's no "magic bullet" solution; (c) talking to Iran and Syria is the smart thing to do; and (d) the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki isn't up to scratch.

New Pelosi Appointee Wants More Troops In Iraq: Rep. Silvestre Reyes, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he wants to see an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops as part of a stepped up effort to dismantle the militias.

Study Group says administration's policy has led to chaos in Iraq: President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," a high-level commission said bluntly on Wednesday, prodding the administration to use diplomacy to stabilize the country and allow withdrawal of most American combat troops by early 2008.

At least 28 killed in another bloody day in Iraq: Mortar rounds fell on a busy commercial district of central Baghdad, killing 10 people and wounding 54, police said.

No More Victims!Its time we did something to help repair the broken bodies of children who have been injured by U.S. bombs and bullets. Our government has spent hundreds of billions to destroy Iraq and hundreds of thousands of children have been injured. Watch this 15 minute video and discover how you can help restore an injured Iraqi child to health.

Syria, Iran willing to help in Iraq for incentives: Syria and Iran are willing to help try to stabilize Iraq but they will want something in return and neither has a magic solution to the country's bloodshed, Mideast officials and analysts said Wednesday ...

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