Saturday, December 16, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Military Considers Sending as Many as 35,000 More U.S. Troops to Iraq, McCain Says: Senator John McCain said Thursday that American military commanders were discussing the possibility of adding as many as 10 more combat brigades — a maximum of about 35,000 troops — to “bring the situation under control” while Iraq's divided political leaders seek solutions to the worsening bloodshed here.

Iraqi politicians start national reconciliation conference: However, the meeting was boycotted by some Iraqi political groups, including the Sadr movement known for its anti-U.S. stance and the Iraqi National Dialogue Front. "We support any conference that serve the interests of the Iraqi people, but not under the occupation," Nassar al-Rubaie, spokesman of Sadr movement, told Xinhua.

Britain never thought Saddam was threat - diplomat: The British government never believed Saddam Hussein posed a threat to British interests and warned the US that toppling him would lead to "chaos", according to a Foreign Office diplomat closely involved in negotiations in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq: At least 18 killed in anpther bloody in Iraq: Police in Baquba sent the bodies of 10 unidentified people, including a woman, to the city's morgue

New push for Iraq reconciliation: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has called on former members of Saddam Hussein's army to return - in a move to win over disaffected Sunnis.

Bush ready to send more troops to Iraq: President George W Bush is poised to increase troop numbers in Iraq as part of a dramatic new strategy designed to regain control of Baghdad and suffocate the Sunni insurgency.

U.S. preparing surge of forces into Iraq?: The 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division is expected in Kuwait shortly after the new year, a senior Defense Department official told The Associated Press on Friday. The official requested anonymity because the plans had not yet been announced.

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