Sunday, December 17, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Legal System in Iraq Staggers Beneath the Weight of War: Soldiers who have little if any training in gathering evidence or sorting the guilty from the innocent are left to decide whom to detain. The military conducts reviews to decide whom to release, yet neither Iraqi detainees nor defense lawyers are allowed to attend, according to military documents and interviews.

53 corpses found in occupied Iraq:
Fifty-three bullet-ridden corpses were discovered by the Iraqi police in Baghdad on Saturday, including 15 dumped in one flashpoint neighborhood in the war-torn capital

Iraq: Aleast 15 killed in another bloody day in Iraq: A roadside bomb detonated near a U.S. military patrol on Saturday, killing three occupation forces soldiers and wounding one north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said.

Up to 30 people kidnapped at Baghdad Red Crescent:
The organization is part of the Red Cross movement and has 1,000 staff and about 300,000 volunteers in Iraq, working to provide food, water and medicine to those in need.

Powell: We Are Losing In Iraq: Exclusive:
Former Secretary Of State Says More Troops Isn't The Answer

Stephen Lendman: Omissions In the Iraq Study Group Report: How could a nation born as a great democratic experiment rebelling against the divine right of monarchs become instead now one worshipping the divine right of capital and capable of being even more repressive.

U.S. to triple number of military trainers in Iraq: The U.S. military plans to speed up the training of Iraq's army by tripling its number of embedded trainers to about 9,000, while keeping a close eye on units' sectarian loyalties, a U.S. general said on Sunday.

UK troops to stay in Iraq until job done:
Blair: Blair defended London's plans for a gradual withdrawal of its 7,200 troops in the south, mostly in and around oil-rich Basra, as Iraq's fledgling security forces take over.

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