Thursday, December 7, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Abbas weighs options for confronting Hamas: "We have two recommendations," said Raafat, of the PLO's small FIDA Party. "The first is leaving Hamas in power while Fatah constitutes the opposition and gives Hamas a chance to solve the crisis. If it can't do so, then we have to resort to the second choice, a referendum on early elections." "We are going to give Hamas a chance to solve the crisis, but I am sure it will not pass the test. It will not succeed unless it changes (its positions)," he said.

Sources: Abbas not intending to sack Hamas-led gov't: "Abbas made it clear that his favorite choice was the national coalition in spite of calls by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) for a technocratic government," a Palestinian official close to Abbas said.

US and Israel targeting DNA in Gaza? The DIME bomb, yet another genotoxic weapon: Since early July, Israeli forces have been using a new weapon in the Gaza Strip that inflicts strange and deadly wounds. Doctors and medics say the unidentified device has significantly increased fatalities from Israel's attacks.

Baker panel's mention of Palestinian "right of return" raises eyebrows: "This report is worrisome for Israel particularly because, for the first time, it mentions the question of the 'right of return' for the Palestinian refugees of 1948," said a senior Israeli official, who was reacting to the US policy report on condition he not be identified. A Middle East analyst who was involved in the Iraq Study Group discussions but did not participate in drafting the report expressed surprise when the reference was pointed out to him by a reporter.

Egyptians offer to represent Beit Hanun victims at The Hague : Representatives of the Egyptian Bar Association have offered to represent the victims of the Israeli artillery barrage in Beit Hanun at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The mayor has asked the families of the victims to authorize a transfer of power of attorney, so the Egyptian lawyers can proceed with bringing the case before the International Court.

Israel predicts no switch of US policy: However, few Israeli officials expected to see sustained US engagement, such as that displayed by the Clinton or first Bush administrations, despite the latest recommendations. Israel has common cause with Washington and Sunni regional states that fear rising Iranian hegemony. This could translate into concessions towards the Palestinians but fall short of a comprehensive solution while talks with Syria remain distant, say analysts.

Strong in spite of themselves - By Azmi Bishara: Olmert's announcement that Israel would be willing to agree to a geographically contiguous Palestinian state on the West Bank is far from original. It was almost a word for word repetition of Sharon's announcement after having received Bush's letter of guarantees, the White House's version of the Balfour Declaration. Of course, what Sharon, Bush and then Olmert meant was that they would agree to a Palestinian state in exchange for the Palestinians relinquishing their demands for the right to return, for Jerusalem as their capital and even for Israel to withdraw to pre-June 1967 borders.

Women and development in eastern West Bank: The most current women's projects developed through the municipality involve education, a central vegetable market and children. There are more vital projects, participants assured, including cultural facilities and a library .

Olmert rejects talks with Syria, says conditions are 'not ripe': Olmert also rejected linkage of the Iraqi war with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the Iraq Study Group... "The attempt to create linkage between the Iraqi issue and the Mideast issue - we have a different view," Olmert told reporters in Tel Aviv, in his first response to the report issued Wednesday by the Iraq Study Group.

Israelis skirmish over textbook border lines: "Maps are a cultural manuscript, a declaration of political ideology," said Yoram Bar-Gal, a geographer at Haifa University who has studied the use of maps by the Zionist movement and in Israel. "It depends on your perspective. What is viewed from the inside as an educational issue is seen from the outside as propaganda."

Rice to return to Mideast in 2007 to push Israeli-Palestinian track: News of the trip, Rice's eighth to Israel and the Palestinian territories in two years, came a day after publication of a high-level policy report that urged a renewed US drive for Arab-Israeli peace as part of a broader plan also aimed at stabilizing Iraq.

Blair to launch "even-handed" Middle East mission: British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he will soon launch a Middle East mission to show an "even-handed" US and British approach towards Israel and the Palestinians and the wider region. "Your strong leadership on this issue matters a lot," Bush told Blair.

Palestine Still Main Agenda For Malaysia: "Malaysia has in fact agreed to cooperate with the United Nations secretariat to organise the UN Regional Meeting For Asia and Pacific On The Question Of Palestine in Kuala Lumpur over three days from Dec 15 to 17," he said in reply to a question from Senator Fatanah Datuk Ahmad in Dewan Negara here Thursday.

Blair reaffirms linkage of Mideast conflict, Iraq war : Responding to a direct question on whether the two issues are linked, Blair said both the U.S. and U.K. governments agree that the successful stabilization of Iraq depends on addressing the broader regional issues.

Stephen Hawking to visit Israel : Hawking found fame with his 1988 book A Brief History of Time, which attempts to explain a range of subjects including black holes to the big bang. Speaking from his Cambridge office, Hawking said: "I am looking forward to coming out to Israel and the Palestinian territories and excited about meeting both Israeli and Palestinian scientists."

Internal IDF investigation finds serious flaws in conduct of recent war : Levine said that the call-up of reservist units and their deployment was delayed to the point where it gave Hezbollah an advantage in countering a ground offensive.

Israelis piqued by nuclear "confirmation": During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: "They are surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian Gulf," he said. The remark led Israeli news bulletins.

Putting back the Green Line - once we find it: The Green Line-textbook affair has taught Education Minister Yuli Tamir an important lesson about politics. Her colleagues in the government and the Labor Knesset faction, including her friend from Peace Now, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, abandoned her to the right's offensive. The only one who came to her assistance (aside from the Meretz bear hug) was Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Kadima, formerly an advocate of Greater Israel.

The Administration / Old idea still fresh: James Baker and former representative Lee Hamilton were careful to say yesterday that it is a complete package and adopting just some components will not succeed. But that is exactly what the president said he plans to do. If he opts to pick and choose, he will have to maneuver carefully to convince the public he has chosen wisely. So far, the committee has done far better than Bush in garnering public support.

Questionnaire on the Holy Land: Today The Tablet is launching a major survey asking readers for their views about the search for peace in the Holy Land and the decision by Church leaders in England to pay a Christmas visit in support of the dwindling Christian population.

LARGEST EMERGENCY HUMANITARIAN APPEAL FOR PALESTINIANS: "Two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are now living in poverty. Growing numbers of people are unable to cover their daily food needs and agencies report that basic services such as health care and education are deteriorating and set to worsen much further", he added.

Five Palestinians abducted, one injured, by Israeli forces during West Bank invasions : Ma'mun Jabir, 24, Rami Al Fara, 25, Iyad Al Fara, 25, were taken when troops attacked and searched their family houses located Kufer Saba neighborhood, Kassem Jabir,55, the father of Ma'mun, was injured when a soldier hit him with a stone during the abduction of his son, he sustained light wounds, medical sources reported.

Israeli surgeons repair young Palestinians' hearts : She was unable to have the operation in Gaza, where many hospitals are suffering from worsening conditions since a Western aid embargo was imposed... Over the past year, "Save a Child's Heart" has treated more than 100 children from Gaza and the West Bank, and hundreds from elsewhere in the region, including a growing number from Iraq.

Army injures a second Beit Lahyia resident on Thursday : Banat was working in his land in Beit Lahia town in the northern part of the Gaza strip when troops shot him in his leg; he was moved to a nearby hospital for treatment; his wounds were described as moderate.
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Israeli police level 17 Arab homes in the Negev : Forty years ago the State of Israel moved the families of this village from their original land (8000 dunums) to the current location (400 meters squared per family) after the 1965 Planning and Construction law, yet the State of Israel never recognized the village, and to this day has not supplied it with the proper services even though the residents are Israeli citizens and pay taxes to the Israeli government.

28 Nov. 06: Interior Ministry denies status to children of East Jerusalem residents : Children between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, to whom the Law applies, are not allowed to obtain a status in Israel , even if they live inside Israel with a parent who is a resident of Israel . They are only entitled to a permit to stay temporarily in Israel . This permit is given for short periods, of three to six months, and does not entitle the minor to any social rights.


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