Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

US to double emergency equipment stored in Israel: Emergency stockpiles in Israel meant for storing US army equipment in Middle East opened in Israel's favor during last Lebanon war.

Israel denies Palestinian children are jailed illegally:
Palestinian Layth Ghalib Bedwan, 14, was arrested and detained by the Israeli authorities on 28 August 2006. Since then, his family has waited anxiously for him to return home.

Arab couple to lose land, home to new Haifa road: The land occupied by the couple's house - which they legally own, by dint of half a century's residence - is due to be expropriated for the sake of another project, a road that will connect Haifa's lower and upper sections. But nobody from Yefeh Nof, the company managing that project, has approached them to discuss payment, Hassan claimed.

Murders are another stage in Iraqization of Gaza: The feeling yesterday among many Gazans was that the Strip was on the verge of civil war. Five days ago, a few extremists from a group calling itself "Swords of Islam" attacked a young girl who dared to wear jeans and was without a face covering. Later, 12 shops were destroyed that provided Internet services and rented videos.

Israel, Palestine, peace and apartheid - By Jimmy Carter For the past 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticise policies of the Israeli government is due to the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices. It would be almost politically suicidal for members of Congress to espouse a balanced position between Israel and Palestine.

Blair to meet Abbas in Ramallah next week : British Prime Minister Tony Blair is to meet Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in Ramallah on Monday as part of efforts to revive the Mideast peace process, a presidential spokesman has said.

Syria blasts Israel over building of Golan Heights reservoir: Syria has announced its intention to host an Arab conference on water, in light of Israel's construction of a water reservoir in the (OCCUPIED) Golan Heights. The governor of the Quneitra district, Nawaf Fares, said over the weekend that the water reservoir now under construction in the eastern Golan was "a threat to the lives of the residents of the Quneitra district and to their property .

Olmert's nuclear slip creates uproar in Israel: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sparked an uproar after an apparent slip of the tongue in which he for the first time listed Israel as a nuclear power, but few expected the blunder to alter the Jewish state's "policy of nuclear ambiguity."

Olmert: We won't be first to introduce nukes to region: "I reiterate that Israel has not changed its policy on the nuclear issue and will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East. I stressed it twice in the interview I gave and I don't think we should elaborate or hold a public discussion on this," Olmert added.

United Kingdom announces £76.6 million for Palestine Refugees through UNRWA: Karen Koning AbuZayd, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, today thanked the government of the United Kingdom for its contribution of £76.6 million to help support UNRWA services for Palestine refugees over the next four years.

EU aid bypasses government with another 200 million euros : The European in charge of the EU's assistance to the Palestinian people, Benita Ferrero-Walner, says that the latest allocation of funds will be 200 million euros. This continuing aid package is delivered directly to the Palestinian people, as this European organization also bypasses the democratically elected Hamas government.

Ex-president says criticism gives more attention to Palestine: Former President Jimmy Carter has taken the criticism aimed at his latest book as a sign that his views on Israeli policy are generating more interest in the plight of the Palestinians. Carter said Monday that he expected the backlash against his top-selling book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid." It has been criticized by pro-Israel groups, attacked by fellow Democrats...

UNRWA appeals for $246m in emergency funds to address deplorable humanitarian conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory : Every aspect of life has been affected. The crisis that began in September 2000 has deepened dramatically during 2006, as a result of the international isolation of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the conditions of siege imposed on Gaza and the ongoing fragmentation of the West Bank. The majority of Palestinians are now dependent on food and cash handouts. Violence, poverty and despair are overtaking hopes for recovery and prospects for development.

Israeli military court postpones trial of elected Hamas official after failing to find charges : The Israeli military court in Ofer, in a "closed military zone" in western Ramallah, postponed the trial of Hamas leader, Sheikh Hassan Youssef after failing to bring charges against him. He is a deputy in the Palestinian Legislative Council, and one of many Palestinian officials who the Israelis arrested upon resuming their new positions in government after the last elections.

Palestinian security forces deploy after killings in Gaza: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas ordered security forces to deploy across Gaza on Tuesday after the killing of three young sons of one of his loyalists shocked Palestinians and stoked fears of internal strife.

Olmert sends emissaries on secret Ramallah visit to Abbas: During the meeting, Olmert also spoke with Abbas by telephone, and the PA chairman said that he wants Israel to release Marwan Barghouti from prison independent of any deal for the release of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. However, Olmert replied that he is not even willing to discuss this issue until after Shalit is returned to Israel.

Iran pledges $250m aid to Palestine: The overall sum included $120 million in direct funds to the Palestinian government. He said the Iranian government also pledged to pay the salaries of 100,000 state employees for six months at the rate of $100 a month and to pay a similar amount to 3,000 fishermen over the same period.

Islamic Hamas Donates Cash for Bethlehem's Christmas: The Hamas government, often labelled by the international community as Islamic militants, has promised to donate US$50,000 to prepare Bethlehem for the traditional Christmas holidays. The offering will be twice as much as given in previous years.

Petition Challenges Israel's practice of barring foreign passport holders from the Israeli occupied Palestinian territory: "This petition by JLAC is a step toward challenging Israel's racist policies against Palestinian family reunification. Israel is closing the doors on families who want to stay legally. Denying residency, even through a renewable 3-month visitor permit, is a form of de facto deportation designed to create a demographic change in the oPt by targeting the most vulnerable segment of Palestinian society and forcing them to leave", said Basil Ayish

Maariv: "There are some who understand that Palestinians are human": "The Supreme Court's decision proves that there are people who understand that Palestinians are human beings like any others." - said Waji Burnat, a resident of the Palestinian village of Bil'in, this afternoon to NRG/Ma'ariv. His son Ranni, 26, was injured at the start of the Intifada and has since been confined to a wheelchair. Burnat added that any amount of money his son will receive from the Israeli state would help in his recovery.

Israeli official 'not sorry' Tutu's Beit Hanun mission canceled: The mission was due to set out for the Middle East at the end of last week and report its findings by mid- month to the UN Human Rights Council. Tutu said yesterday that he has been trying to obtain an entrance permit both to Israel and the Gaza Strip for 10 days and that the delay may make the investigation impossible.

Soldiers abduct eleven Palestinians from several West Bank areas: Israeli army abducted eleven Palestinian men during morning invasions to several parts of the West Bank on Tuesday. Soldiers fired sound bombs and rounds of live ammunition at the residents and theiur houses, no injuries were reported.

OPT UN fact-finding mission to Beit Hanoun still awaiting Israeli authorization:An investigative mission into the killing of 19 Palestinians by the Israeli Army has been delayed due to lack of cooperation by the Israeli government. "This is a time in our history that neither allows for indifference to the plight of those suffering, nor refusal to search for a solution to the present crisis in the region.

Aged woman dies due to an Israeli army sound bombs fired into her house in Qalqilia: Palestinian sources reported that Palestinian aged woman died after Israeli army fire a sound bomb into her house in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia on Tuesday morning.

Two Jerusalem House Demolitions: Last night human rights workers learned that there were going to be demolitions of houses in the Jerusalem district today so we travelled to Al 'Isawiya. When we arrived we found that the house had already been destroyed and that the bulldozer had come at 5am. The father of the family was there but the children and mother were all 'sick' – stressed by the events of the day.

Israeli settler rams a Palestinian child in Hebron: An Israeli settler driving in the Old City of Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, rammed a Palestinian child causing moderate wounds, Palestinian medical sources reported. Resident Jihad Jaber reported that his child Mohammad, 5, was hit by an Israeli settler's vehicle while heading to his school in the old part of Hebron city.

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