Sunday, December 10, 2006

Nejad: Israeli pressures on Palestinians will not last long

"Tehran - Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad has affirmed that Israeli pressures on the Palestinian people and the elected PA Hamas-led government will not last long, adding that the USA, Israel's main ally, is now teetering in Iraq.

"All conspiracies of the enemies of Islam to break the Palestinian people's steadfastness and resoluteness will end in total failure", Nejad affirmed.

Nejad's remarks came as he received PA premier Ismail Haneyya in the Iranian capital Tehran Saturday as part of the Palestinian prime minister's Arab and Muslim tour, which he started last week for the first time since he assumed office last March.

"Hamas' victory in the PA legislative election was a great event in the Arab and Muslim world, indicating that the Islamic trend was growing in the Arab and Muslim world", Nejad remarked, adding that Palestine is an "inseparable part" of the Arab and Muslim worlds.

Haneyya, during the visit, briefed the Iranian officials on the latest political and economic developments in occupied Palestine, vowing to remain steadfast on the resistance path being the only option for the liberation of Palestine and the occupied city of Jerusalem.

While in Tehran, Haneyya met head of Iran's consultative assembly Ghulam Ali Haddad who lashed out at the USA and the EU for bragging about democracy while denying other peoples practicing it.

The USA and the EU had pushed for legislative elections in the PA to trap Hamas Movement; but results of the elections poured in Hamas' favor as it widely won them. The victory irked the Americans and Europeans who swiftly imposed crippling economic sanctions on the Hamas-led PA government in contradiction to their democracy.

The PA premier thanked Iran for the moral and economic support it was and still is extending to the Palestinian people that, according to him, would help in breaking the repressive US-led embargo. "

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