Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Outsiders (Mossad?) Trying To Fuel A Palestinian Civil War

Several explosions in Gaza in buildings connected to Al Aqsa Brigades and Hamas

Thanks to "hum" for posting this link.

"Date: 26 / 12 / 2006 Time: 12:40

Gaza - Ma'an - Unidentified men detonated a bomb in a trading establishment on Tuesday in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.

Eyewitnesses said that an armed group detonated a large bomb weighing dozens of kilograms, below the Madhoun trading establishment in Biet Lahia. The explosion caused great damage to the establishment.

The establishment is owned by the brother of the Al Aqsa Brigades leader, the main military wing of Fatah, in the northern Gaza Strip.

The explosion, which was heard throughout the area, caused in addition to the great losses of the establishment, damage to the surrounding houses and cars.

The witnesses added that the same armed men set alight two other stores owned by Hamas activists."

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