Sunday, December 10, 2006

Palestinian Pinochet Being Readied

The Thug is The One On The Right

Mohammed Dahlan may return to PA national security adviser post


"Mohammed Dahlan, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council from the Fatah faction, has received an offer to resume his former post of Palestinian Authority national security adviser.

If Dahlan chooses to accept the national security adviser post, he will have to relinquish his seat in the PA parliament. To date, the position of national security adviser to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has been filled by Abu Hisham.

Dahlan will most likely coordinate the various Palestinian security organizations and will be responsible for liaising with Israeli security forces.

Palestinian sources told Haaretz that while Dahlan had not yet officially accepted the appointment, he was already receiving security-related authority and dealing with security issues. "

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