Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Poodle To Bring The Palestinians A Bone

Bush rejects Iraq report's key recommendations

"WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush rebuffed key recommendations from the Iraq Study Group but agreed after talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to launch a new Middle East peace push.

The embattled US president announced that Blair would soon travel to the region for talks with Israel and the Palestinians and promised "concerted efforts to advance the cause of peace."

A day after getting the heavyweight Iraq commission's stinging report, Bush kept tight conditions on any talks with Iran and Syria and refused to endorse the panel's target date of early 2008 for withdrawing most US combat troops."


The Decider has decided to do the one thing that will cost him nothing: create the illusion of motion in the "peace process." Arab puppet regimes, including Abbas, always jump on this as a "proof that Bush now sees the errors of his ways." Abbas loves the new photo opportunity to be seen with the poodle.

It never fails, when the Decider wants to deflect attention, use the Palestinians and show "how much you care for them." Next The Princess of Darkness will be on her way to the region to hold Abbas' hand, again.

Stay tuned, as the stomach turns.

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