Monday, December 25, 2006

Puppet Boy King Mediating; What A Mockery!

PA official: Haniyeh, Abbas will meet in Jordan later this week

"Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh will meet this week in Amman, the Palestinian government spokesman said Monday.

"The Jordanian prime minister has extended an official invitation from his majesty King Abdullah to Prime Minister Haniyeh to visit Jordan and to meet with President Abu Mazen [Abbas] to discuss the latest developments and the issues of difference," Ghazi Hamad said.

"Prime Minister Haniyeh has welcomed the invitation," he said. "Arrangements are under way to agree on the date.""


What comes next? Olmert mediating between Abbas and Haniyyah? Why not! If Haniyyah is willing to let the puppet king mediate, why not go directly to the puppeteer and eliminate the middleman!

What are you going to negotiate Mr. Haniyyah? How many of the Badr Brigade will be trained by U.S. advisors in Jordan? How many will come to Gaza to install Generalissimo Dahlan in power? By the way, don't forget to visit their training base while you are in Jordan.

What a farce and a disgrace this PA has become. It is time to flush it down the drain; the stench is unbearable and no amount of air freshener can cover it up.

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