Thursday, December 21, 2006

Report: Olmert, Siniora met in secret

Report in Palestinian media: PM Olmert meets with Lebanese PM Siniora in Egypt to discuss cooperation in face of Syria-Iran-Hizbullah axis. Olmert's office denies report. No other confirmation of report published

"The Palestinian "Maan" news agency is citing a source who claims the Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

The Prime Minister's Office had denied the report. No confirmation has come from any other source.

According to the report, the two met secretly at the presence of Osama el-Baz, a senior advisor to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as well as with the head of the Saudi National Security Council Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz who was nominated by the Saudi government to be in contact with Israel in order to coordinate the meeting.

The report also states that the meeting took place at the vacation residence of President Mubarak during the Eid al-Fitr holiday one month after the conclusion of the war in Lebanon.

According to the source, the meeting between the two lasted five hours and the people present were working on coordinating between Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the coalition forces in Lebanon, to counter the axis consisting of Iran, Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

According to the source, "Prime Minister Olmert said told his Lebanese counterpart that the international presence in Lebanon and the American support have created an unprecedented opportunity to extract Lebanon out of the hands of Syria and Iran."

For his part, Siniora told Olmert he and his government are adamant on their decisiveness to assert Lebanon's sovereignty on all of the country and to disarm Hizbullah from its weapons. In addition, Siniora promised to eradicate all forces supporting Syria and Iran from inside Lebanon. "

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