Thursday, December 14, 2006

Romano Prodi: Olmert’s Wind-Up Cathy Chatty

Protesters holding a sign reading 'Olmert, not welcome, Free Palestine' during a rally against the Prime Minister's visit to Italy on Wednesday. (AP)

By Kurt Nimmo

"Not long ago, Ehud Olmert was caught admitting Israel has a hoard of nukes, a well-known enough fact, although generally unspoken in the corporate media. For accidentally speaking the truth, angry voices arose from across the Israeli political spectrum—mostly of one monotonous color—demanding Olmert take a hike for speaking the unspeakable.

Now Olmert was discovered “coaching” Italian prime minister Romano Prodi “on what to say during their joint press conference,” as if Mr. Prodi is a meathead unable to speak intelligently for himself. “It is important that you emphasize the three principles of the Quartet—that they are not negotiated (sic). They are the basis for everything,” Reuters quotes Olmert as instructing.

It, of course, makes sense Olmert would push the so-called Quartet on Prodi or, for that matter, anybody else who bothers to listen. Quartet is shorthand for the cooked up plans for the Palestinians by the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. As if to gauge what is in store, consider the Quartet’s special envoy for Israel’s “disengagement” from Gaza between May 2005 and April 2006 was none other than James Wolfensohn, Bilderberg intimate and former president of the World Loan Sharking Operation, otherwise known as the World Bank.......

....Of course, Romano Prodi, as a “center-left” politician and former president of the European Commission (a “supranational” elite managed by international banksters) fell in line. “As it happened, Prodi did deliver words to that effect. He further endorsed Israel’s vision of remaining a Jewish state—code for ruling out an influx of Palestinian refugees. This, Channel 10 television suggested, was also at Olmert’s prodding,” Reuters continues.

Only a bit of translation is in order: Israel intends to remain a racist state, a nation where only Jews enjoy full citizenship (and Israelis are stripped of citizenship if they marry Palestinians), and there will be no right of return, that is to say the violent theft of Palestinian land and the expulsion of Palestinians will remain codified, and Palestinians will continue living in squalid refugee camps, driven there by massacre, rape, and the memories of Dawayima (where the Israelis killed everything that moved) and Deir Yassin (a massacre led by Irgun terrorist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Menachem Begin)......

.....No, little of substance will change, even as Ehud Olmert whispers in Romano Prodi’s ear as if the latter is some sort of Stepford automaton, nodding with nearly bovine acceptance. Prodi will do as instructed, as will the Americans, especially those in Congress, lest they lose their place at the trough. Israel shall remain a racist state, Palestinians will suffer, and, oh yes, Iran will be attacked, setting the Middle East on fire, as long planned.

As for the attack waged against Iran, guaranteed before Bush exits office, Democrats agree.

It’s all but a done deal

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