Friday, December 15, 2006

Who Was Behind Sadr City Bombing?


"Short summary:
On Thursday, November 23, 2006, a bomb exploded in a market in Thawra City (Sadr City) that caused the death and wounding of tens of civilians.
The culprit was caught the next day by Al-Mahdi army who control Thawra City. His name is Firas Al-Rikabi. He confesses in this video (in Arabic) that Hakam, who lives in the nearby Rashad district, had given him the bomb and the detonator and instructed him to place it among the crowd and blow it up, for $200 bounty.
Both Hakam and Firas are Shi'ites.
Hakam belongs to the Badr and SCIRI Iranian backed shi'ite militias who now control the police in the Interior Ministry (who are responsible for the recent mass kidnappings) and the army in the Defence Ministry
(being trained to step up by the American occupiers to allow Bush to step down).

Hakam is now being sought by the Mahdi Army. They executed Firas after the recording of his confession."

Click to see film and hear confession of the culprit (in Arabic)

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