Wednesday, January 3, 2007

All Lies, All The Time!

Framing Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran, All With One Lie

Fatah official: Hamas training in Iran, Lebanon

Says members of ruling PA group training with Iranian Revolutionary guard units, Hizbullah militants for future confrontation with Israel, Fatah ; ‘But I confirm that we have the right to train inside or outside the country’ Hamas spokesperson says

Aaron Klein, WND

"Hamas members have been flying to Iran and Lebanon for advanced military training with Iranian Revolutionary guard units and Hizbullah militants, according to a senior intelligence official from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.

The official was confirming reports last week quoting Israeli security sources saying dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Hamas terrorists left Gaza for training in Iran.

"We are sure according to information that we have that Hizbullah prepares Hamas for a confrontation with us (Fatah) and with Israel. None of these preparations takes place in Gaza, but they take place in Lebanon, in Iran and in other places where the Iranian and Hizbullah experts train Hamas militants," the senior Palestinian intelligence official told WND.

The official oversees Fatah's police forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israeli security officials last week told reporters Hamas has been training in Iran in Hizbullah-like guerrilla tactics. The officials said they fear the training will greatly improve Hamas' military capability in any future battle with Israeli troops in Gaza. "


That Dahlan Is Quite Useful In Fabricating Israel's Case.

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