Sunday, January 14, 2007

Barhum: Abbas-Rice meeting meant to confront Hamas, boost Israel's security

"Gaza - The Hamas Movement on Sunday charged that the goal of the meeting between PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and visiting American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice in Ramallah earlier today was to serve "Zionist security".

Fawzi Barhum, the Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, told the PIC that the meeting was also meant to boost the internal trend against Hamas, affirming that his Movement refused categorizing Palestinians into moderates and fanatics.

He said that Rice did not bring anything new with her nor did she want to preserve the Palestinian people's rights.

Asked on the unity government, he reiterated Hamas' readiness to return to dialogue without any conditions attached, appreciating the Arab and Islamic mediation efforts in this regard.

Hamas would not impede formation of a unity government based on the national concord document that was approved by all factions."

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