Monday, January 22, 2007

Finally, Iran Realizes It Is Not A Bluff

Iran tests missiles as fear of attack grows

Financial Times

"Iran began military manoeuvres in its central desert on Monday, testing short-range missiles at a time of rising tension with the US and as President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad faces continuing criticism at home.

State radio reported that Revolutionary Guards were test-firing both the 350km-range Zelzal-1 missile and the 70km range Fajr-5 near the town of Garmsar, 80km south-east of Tehran.

Mohsen Rezaei, an influential conservative politician and former Revolutionary Guards commander, told state television at the weekend that Washington had opted for “serious confrontation” with Iran, in which it “intends to resolve its problem in the Middle East”.

That was a rare glimpse for the Iranian public of the seriousness with which leading officials view the situation, especially in his acknowledgment that America or Israel might attack Iran’s atomic sites.

The US announced this month it was moving a second aircraft carrier into the Gulf and deploying Patriot missiles capable of shooting down shorter-range missiles....."

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