Thursday, January 25, 2007

Forgive them for they know not what they do?

By Mazin Qumsiyeh

"Standing ovations to a criminal spouting lies Regurgitated in News and Editorial pages Yet, what is censored is far more important and its ramifications far more significant Some victims adopted the language of their oppressors Others resigned to their proscribed fates Many in a peace movement co-opted or afraid letting others pay the sacrifices Goebbles would have envied their media devices allowed to endlessly quibble Baghdad burning while they argue over the sound of the fiddle (using colonial language) "How do we fix Eyraq?" "How do we fight Eyran”? "How do we isolate the radicals"? (even the majority wanting freedom) "How do we kill more extremists"? (even as we created the largest green house to grow them) How do we get more subservient UN institutions? While violating all human rights resolutions. maybe more money to Dahlan, Al-Hurra, and Iraqi puppets? more tours of duty, fancy words and better bullets? more new clothes for old generals or old cloths for new programs? maybe better hasbara language of us vs them, them vs them, terrorism vs democracies Palestinians vs Israelis Shi'i vs Sunni Arabs vs Jews blacks vs whites black and white language of hate and diversion language of murder and deception language of Nero and Ghenkis Khan Churchill and Balfour Hertzl and Samuels Clinton and Pelosi Browne and Raymond enriched from Oil that somehow got under our soil Starbucks' Schultz pontificating that Israel must do more killing

Forgive them for they know not what they do?

They tell us if victims stop just maybe, maybe they can drop some of the worst torture methods maybe allow some of us to live on our lands with limited supervised demilitarized autonomy if we promise the occupiers security maybe then revive the US constitution bring kinder pimps for prostitution maybe share 10% of the privatized resources with the manufactured competing provinces promises to give us a glimmer of tunnels which may have light less dimmer A promise of another Condi trip peddling a map like Kissinger peddling his Zionist crap to get accolades from his masters and money from his (undisclosed) consultants While committing and supporting war crimes with designer suits and fake smiles fake words of democracy and million dollar bonuses they play musical chairs in countless institutions with deceptive names occasionally jumping to corporations and then back to government halls that keeps its only credibility by spreading fear of Arabs and Muslims While manufacturing Abrams tanks and misnamed think tanks while US trained death squads kill the innocents and propagate the ageless game of conquer, divide, and pillage

Forgive them for they know not what they do?

they said "our policy for the Iraq-Iran war was to get them to kill each other" deduct the one million who perished in that war deduct the 1.5 million killed by US led sanctions deduct the 650,000 Iraqis who perished and those yet to perish in neocon latest war how many Iraqis will be left in five years? will they bring Democracy to the last Iraqi standing alive or hang her? But Iran is next and Maybe China (hence the nuclear deals with India) Meanwhile Arabs and Muslims are fair game and don't run fast enough....."

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