Wednesday, January 17, 2007

He Fights For Iran, But Not For Iraq

Top Iraqi condemns US over Iran

One of Iraq's most powerful Shia politicians has condemned the arrest of Iranians by US forces in Iraq as an attack on the country's sovereignty.

"The comments by Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, made in a BBC interview, are seen as the strongest expression yet of Iraq's concern about the US approach to Iran.

They follow two recent US raids in which Iranians were arrested.

The remarks are interesting as Mr Hakim is seen as close to President Bush, says the BBC's Andrew North in Baghdad.

Mr Hakim also has close links to Iran, after many years in exile there.

Late last year, US troops descended on Mr Hakim's residential compound in Baghdad and detained two Iranian officials.

They were later released, but last week, five more were detained at the Iranian liaison office in Irbil. They are still being held......

"Regardless of the Iranian position we consider these actions as incorrect," Mr Hakim said.

"They represent a kind of attack on Iraq's sovereignty and we hope such things are not repeated." ......"

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