Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mohammad Pinochet's Army

Hebrew paper: Dahalan forms own army in Gaza with US support

"Gaza - The Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper has quoted Fatah leader as affirming that Mohammed Dahalan was forming a 12,000-strong private army in Gaza Strip with full American military support with the aim to topple the PA Hamas-led government.

According to the Fatah leader who asked not to be identified, Dahalan’s proposed private army will be financed by European countries through the office of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, and that military supplies will be provided by the USA.

“We are currently scrutinizing candidates to join the army, and we shall exclude any one found to have brother supporting Hamas”, the Fatah leader further revealed.

The paper furthermore quoted what it described as “men of Dahalan” as asserting that all Fatah militias will be integrated in the new army, and that Israel will facilitate military support for it.

Elements of the Dahalan-led “mutiny trend” in Fatah carried out a series of heinous crimes in Gaza Strip against Hamas cadres and elements of the executive force of the PA interior ministry over the past three days, including killing Muslims inside mosques among other heinous crimes.

The new Dahalan’s army is widely believed to be a concrete implementation of the US conspiracy run by William Abrams, the assistant of the US national security advisor, with the aim to ignite Palestinian civil war and throw the Hamas-led government as earlier unveiled by former MI6 intelligence officer Alistair Crooke. "

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