Monday, January 15, 2007

Lebanese National Opposition says political corridors entirely closed; large-scale escalation very likely

"Al-Manar special report – Manar Sabbagh – Translated/

Hezbollah sources dismissed as baseless, reports about a tripartite gathering last Saturday between Speaker Nabih Berri, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah's political aid Hussein Khalil on the one hand and Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Abdul Aziz Khojah on the other. The source added that contrary to what some sides are trying to circulate, all political corridors are entirely closed and there is no foreseeable solution to the political crisis in Lebanon. The source also said that the recent positions of Speaker Berri, Hezbollah's chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, MP Michel Aoun of the Free Patriotic Movement, former Prime Minister Omar Karameh and many other leading opposition figures suggest that a large scale escalation by the opposition is very likely. According to information made available to Al-Manar channel, the popular bases of the opposition have started to prepare for the next step, which cannot be reversed. Sources close to Berri dismissed as inaccurate reports about a Saudi initiative, since the Kingdom is still in the stage of offering advice and ideas."

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