Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Meanwhile in Iraq

Saddam co-defendants to be executed Thursday: Saddam's half brother Barzan Ibrahim, a former intelligence chief, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, were originally scheduled to hang with Saddam, who was put to death on Saturday.

What about other U.S.-backed killers in the world?: What about the atrocities committed by other dictators around the world? Hosni Mubarak and other allies of U.S. who have done and are doing things that can only be considered crimes against humanity. How many of these are democracies? How many of these regimes respect human rights? And how many of these regimes receive American aid? There in lies the hypocrisy.

Bush promises new Iraq policy in the coming days:
"Ultimately, Iraqis must resolve the most pressing issues facing them. We can't do it for them. But we can help Iraq defeat the extremists inside and outside of Iraq -- and we can help provide the necessary breathing space for this young government to meet its responsibilities."

Baghdad arrest in Saddam's death video:
An Iraqi prison guard was arrested for illegally videotaping the Baghdad execution of deposed leader Saddam Hussein and posting it on the Internet.

Fresh violence in occupied Iraq claims 22 lives: Police said the found 15 more bodies dumped in the north of the city.

Iraq: At least 17 killed in another bloody day in Iraq: Police found five bodies bearing signs of torture and bullet wounds in the town of Nahrawan, 30 km (20 miles) southeast of Baghdad, police said.

Islamic Army calls for 'saving Baghdad from Iranian occupation':
"Iraq is under a double, US-Iranian occupation, the worst being the Iranian Safavid (Shiite Persian) occupation," the IAI's "emir" said in an audio message posted on a website used by Iraqi insurgent groups on Monday.

16,273 Deaths Reported During U.S. Occupation of Iraq in 2006: Government officials reported that 16,273 Iraqi civilians, soldiers and police died violent deaths in 2006, a figure larger than an independent Associated Press count for the year by more than 2,500.

Bush 'to reveal Iraq troop boost': The speech will reveal a plan to send more US troops to Iraq to focus on ways of bringing greater security, rather than training Iraqi forces.

Chaos Overran Iraq Plan in ’06, Bush Team Says: President Bush began 2006 assuring the country that he had a “strategy for victory in Iraq.” He ended the year closeted with his war cabinet on his ranch trying to devise a new strategy, because the existing one had collapsed.

Iraq orders shutdown of Baghdad office of TV station:
The Iraqi government Monday ordered the closure of the Baghdad office of a Dubai-based television station whose newscaster wore black mourning clothes while reporting on the hanging of Saddam Hussein.

Iraq PM orders probe into Saddam video: The prime minister on Tuesday ordered an investigation into the conduct of Saddam Hussein's execution in a bid to learn who among the witnesses taunted the former Iraqi leader in the last minutes of his life, then leaked a cell phone video.

Thanks For The Memories: Short video explains the CIA's role in Saddams rise to power.

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