Friday, January 19, 2007

Muqtada said today that he thought he and his "army" are the target of the U.S. escalation plan (Dah!). Today, his information official (Abdul-Hadi al-Darraji) was arrested by U.S. occupation troops. However, the "great warrior" told his followers not to fight the occupation. Why? Because it is the month of Moharram, and "it is forbidden for Muslims to kill during this month!" Of course, it is only forbidden to kill U.S. occupation soldiers, but killing fellow Iraqis is O.K., according to Sayyed Muqtada.

"وقال مقتدى إن القرآن الكريم "ينهانا على القتل خلال شهر محرم"، مضيفا "فليقتلونا فتلك أفضل ميتة للمؤمنين الصادقين والجنة ستكون بانتظارهم". وتعهد بأن يقوم التيار الصدري بالرد بعد شهر محرم.

واعتبر أن الحملة على تياره تستهدف الإسلام "وما نحن إلا عتبة" وتعهد بعدم التخلي عن المقاومة."

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