Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sayyed Nasrallah in live address: cooperation with army is top priority


"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah made a live address to the Lebanese through Al-Manar TV station and called for calm and restraint in the streets.

Sayyed Nasrallah said that what happened today is regretful adding that this is what the opposition has been trying to warn against. His eminence stressed calls by opposition and other political leaderships to maintain calm and abide by the instructions of the Lebanese army should be observed. He also said that the first priority now is to cooperate with the Lebanese army given the critical mission this institution is undertaking. Sayyed Nasrallah said in his address that the army today is the real guarantee for Lebanon to overcome this crisis and not be dragged into what is being plotted against this country. "It is a political, ethical and religious obligation to abide by the instructions of the Lebanese army and withdraw from the streets," his eminence said.

Sayyed Nasrallah also called on the judiciary and the Lebanese army to arrest and expose those who opened fire during today's events. He discouraged some groups to follow other parties that had earned a black history during the civil war, adding that happened today proves that these same groups are seeking to drag the country into the unknown. Sayyed Nasrallah said snipers who had operated during today's clashes were a serious issue adding that "we have warned against bringing in snipers and placing them in buildings." These snipers, Sayyed Nasrallah said, should be arrested and exposed. "We have been saying that arms that are raised by some Lebanese against their countrymen are Israeli arms," Hezbollah's chief said. His eminence renewed his call for calm and urged the Lebanese to contain the tension and act responsibly to prevent the clashes from expanding from one area to another. "I hope that everyone would positively respond to the calls made by all political leaderships in the country for calm," Sayyed Nasrallah concluded."

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