Monday, January 1, 2007

Settlement sewage polluting northern West Bank

Residents of Burqin in the northern West Bank report that their lands are being polluted by an Israeli settlement built on Salfit District lands.

Farmers told PNN on Monday that wastewater and other contaminates are flowing from settlement factories and into agricultural areas and Burqin Village land. Fears are that the Israeli waste will also contaminate the ground water.

Burqin's Mayor Akram Samara said today that there are before unseen flies emerging from the waste, causing additional concerns. Farmers are also reporting uncertainty about allowing their sheep to graze for fear they may be poisoned by the waste coming from the Israeli settlement industrial plants.

It is of note, reports the Mayor, that the Israeli government transferred several factories from inside Israeli boundaries and into the settlements imposed in the western Salfit region several years ago due to environmental concerns.

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