Friday, January 26, 2007

What Happened To Liberation???

Kids abducted by Al-Aqsa "Martyrs Brigades" in Nablus

The Palestinian struggle has degenerated (by the Oslo design) to this. Shame on such "resistance." The Palestinians had more national awareness, political maturity and cohesion 70 years ago. Shame on both major movements. To hell with your "Authority" which controls nothing; dissolve it now! Palestinian civil society should be in the streets demanding this.

"Fatah has postponed unity government talks with rival Hamas after at least five people were killed and 24 others abducted in factional violence across the Palestinian Territories.

The clashes on Friday marred celebrations to mark the first anniversary of Hamas's election victory.

They also came after Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, said a deal could be done in weeks.

"The entire dialogue could explode," Tawfiq Abu Khoussa, the Fatah spokesman, said as he blamed Hamas for the violence.

"How can dialogue go on when there is a bomb underneath the table?"

The talks, which had been due to resume on Friday, will now be held on Sunday at the earliest.

Two Hamas supporters, a member of the Fatah-linked al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and two bystanders were killed in a series of shootings on Friday.

In Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, Hamas security forces surrounded the house of a senior Fatah activist they blamed for shooting a Hamas supporter earlier on Friday.

Hamas supporters abducted

Fighters from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the West Bank city of Nablus have said they are holding 24 Hamas supporters and threatened action against them if their demands are not met.

The group is demanding that no Fatah officials are harmed and that armed Hamas supporters leave the streets of the Gaza Strip......."

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