Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Abbas, Serving The Occupation

Hebrew paper: Raid on Islamic University meant to free Shalit

"Nazareth - The Hebrew Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper quoted on Tuesday sources in the PA security apparatuses loyal to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas as affirming that the raid on the Islamic University at the hands the PA presidential guards on Friday was meant to free captured IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit.

The paper alleged that Shalit was detained inside the University since he was captured last June till three months ago when his captors took him to a different place.

Furthermore, the paper unveiled that the PA presidential guards (Force 17) exerted tremendous efforts during the raid to locate Shalit and release him. Officials of the University denied Shalit was detained inside it.

Last month, Hamas and other Palestinian parties accused former PA minister and Fatah MP Mohammed Dahalan of derailing a prisoner swap deal with Israel, and personally promised his Israeli friends to intensify intelligence efforts to locate and free Shalit at no cost to the Israelis. Dahalan’s step was meant to deny Hamas popular credit if a prisoner exchange deal went ahead.

On Friday, which is the weekly day off in Palestine, large numbers of PA security forces loyal to Abbas raided and ransacked the University campus, inflicting heavy damage on it. The losses were estimated at 15 million dollars.

The University president Kamaleen Shaath affirmed that the heavy losses inflicted on the University won’t discourage its officials from pursuing their educational duties and preserving the educational message of that pioneer University.

PA communication and technology minister and chairman of the University’s board of trustees Jamal Al-Khudari seconded Sha’ath affirmation, adding that the University was built with Palestinian blood and sacrifices, and so, harming it at Palestinian hands was disgusting.

The University’s students council, for its part, pledged to abort goals of the assailants, and vowed to defend their University and preserve its message.

In a related matter, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails condemned the armed attack on the PA prisoners’ affairs ministry at the hands of vandal groups believed to be affiliated with the mutiny trend in Fatah faction.

A joint statement issued by Palestinian prisoners from Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, and DFLP among other factions branded the attack on the ministry as “criminal and heinous”.

The statement, furthermore, invited the Palestinian people to consolidate their ranks in confronting the Israeli occupation government and defending the Aqsa Mosque."

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